Landlord does smoke alarm checks! what to do?


Active Member
My property management company says they do checks on the smoke alarm every 4-6 months! 24 hours is given per california law.

My smoke alarm is in the living room of my apartment and there are no other smoke alarms. I know I can tell this to the agent that checks the alarm, but if they try to check the other rooms is there anything I can do? I have to keep them out somehow because there is no way to realistically hide my grow as it takes up the whole bedroom.

I am growing legally under my state law, but we know that federal law is still illegal and the landlord can use that as a grounds for immediate eviction.


Well-Known Member
theres nothing to worry about obama stopped the dea from busting legal medical grows.


Well-Known Member
Whoever is doing the inspection will know how many smoke alarms you have. They are not going to look for any that are not on the list. This is how they do it in my apartments at least.

As ckknhwk points out as well, if you are legal and inside of your states guidelines, then there is not much to worry about.


Active Member
No holes were cut in the wall. I have the lease agreement in front of me and they made me sign next to an addendum that said I will not manufacture, possess, or distribute any controlled substances as defined by section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act ((21 U.S.C 802). They're quoting federal law so I think they'll evict me if they find it. I'm praying that they don't!

The Lt.

Just be sure to be there. Tell them that your boyfriend is sleeping in the bedroom...they will avoid it LOL


Well-Known Member
Pretty iffy bro!! not sure.........better safe then sorry . 24 hr heads jus make sure your there when they do do it!! and jus tell your ole lady is gettin dressed in there! even if you dont have one !!


Well-Known Member
Just tell them "You cant go in there thats where i grow my pot" and laugh. They will think your kidding and never look.....Just Kidding.. That sucks man i have this prob too but the chick that runs my apartment allways gets free weed with my rent money so they dont bother me much lol and she often comes over to watch movies, drink wine, and smoke (all my weed ) with my wife .


Active Member
When I rented, they had annual inspections of the entire apartment. 24 hours notice. At that time, all I had was 2 cats in a no animal complex. Had to drive them to my parents house once a year.

If they're only checking fire detectors, they won't go in another room where there is none, as stated already by other people here.