land lords a cop?

Hey guys! I've recently moved into a new place and want to start a grow. I have a stealth box that I used on my old apartment and was very successful, I'm in a house now which I fingered would be even better to grow in than an apartment. Until I found out that my landlord is a cop....... What are your guys thoughts. Should I scrap the grow, or go ahead as if he was just an everyday landlord ?


Well-Known Member
I think it will be a case of not so much him being a cop, but what kind of landlord is he going to be ? The best kind just leave you alone unless you need something and contact them, and they hope that you dont, cause that usually means work, or money, neither of which they want to hear. Thats the good kind.:lol:
The worst kind is the one that makes his presence known all of the time and is always nosing around. If he is that type you may not be able to do it comfortably. Either way, it might take awhile to get a feel for what type of landlord he's going to be.


Active Member
I think it will be a case of not so much him being a cop, but what kind of landlord is he going to be ? The best kind just leave you alone unless you need something and contact them, and they hope that you dont, cause that usually means work, or money, neither of which they want to hear. Thats the good kind.:lol:
The worst kind is the one that makes his presence known all of the time and is always nosing around. If he is that type you may not be able to do it comfortably. Either way, it might take awhile to get a feel for what type of landlord he's going to be.

I got the good kind thank god.

No you shouldn't grow with a cop as a landlord.. they are trained in detecting grows and he is probably all to aware of what illegal activites people get up to in their homes.. so I would watch it.. give it a year and see ..I would move myself

cap master

Well-Known Member
I would definitely not be growing there at all if you just moved in.
I agree u should get to know what the traffic around your new area is going to be like,
and if I was to go ahead and grow in my pad I just always grow them from seedlings to a young not quite mature plant.
then throw it outside in the woods at least a half hour walk into some random patch of wood
so while the plants are inside they wont be stinking up the whole place with the resinous buds.
but on the other hand I know a cop I went to school with hes just town police and he smokes buds off the job and is cool casually.


Staff member
i have yet to set up my grow room in my new home. because i happen to live across from the courthouse. plus im checking the neighborhood, whos got what violations whos a noisy neighbor.

after 3 months here i have decided its safe.

If my landlord was a cop i wouldnt even touch it. wouldnt even fucking thinking about it

however you could try your luck by growing a vegetable garden indoors first, something that is a set up similar to a mj grow . if he says what do you got going on you can show him your green leaf lettuce and turnips, therefore you will know he does notice things. and that it is probably NOT safe to grow mj.
I live in a townhouse and my next door neighbor is a cop, been growing for about 6 months now =D, just give some weed to him as payment


Well-Known Member
my landlords a retired sheriff
i just act normal around him im positive he knows im a stoner
but at the same time im positive he doesnt know i grow
no sell , no tell , NO SMELL
all traces of anything organic and nutrient bottles get burned in my fire pit
good luck to you what ever you decide to do
if you dont have the nerve to play it off
then dont even try it
i have to add i live in a trailer and i own it so no inspections ever


Staff member
my landlords a retired sheriff
i just act normal around him im positive he knows im a stoner
but at the same time im positive he doesnt know i grow
no sell , no tell , NO SMELL
all traces of anything organic and nutrient bottles get burned in my fire pit
good luck to you what ever you decide to do
if you dont have the nerve to play it off
then dont even try it
i have to add i live in a trailer and i own it so no inspections ever
you own it. bigger difference than renting. sounds like you just rent the plot land


Well-Known Member
yes and he lives next door :)
we hunt and fish together he's a bad ass old man in his 70's i help him plow and cut hay sometimes


Staff member
yes and he lives next door :)
we hunt and fish together he's a bad ass old man in his 70's i help him plow and cut hay sometimes
thats awesome my landlord is cool too. he lives in toronto like 10 hours away . lol but they have a management place here so i just drop off rent. and im allowed to do any home improvements i want except too the kitchen cabinets which is just down right awesome


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! I've recently moved into a new place and want to start a grow. I have a stealth box that I used on my old apartment and was very successful, I'm in a house now which I fingered would be even better to grow in than an apartment. Until I found out that my landlord is a cop....... What are your guys thoughts. Should I scrap the grow, or go ahead as if he was just an everyday landlord ?
A leo is a a LEO...Scrap that grow!He would love I bet to catch you.
My 2cents!


Well-Known Member
where are you first off? if your in a legal state then your kinda in a what can he do kinda thing .. if your non mmj then your asking to be bothered by it at all times so you will never be at peace with your grow no matter how much you grow.. a cop is always a cop. now weather he is a dirty cop is another question, leave a $5 spot on the ground when you know he will be around if he gives it to you then i wouldn't grow if he takes it then you know he is not worth the $5 you spent to see if he was a dick and takes the money or a straight edge cop and will give his mom a ticket..


Active Member
Think about it . Your landlord will have do some sort of inspection at some point. It could be a random visit to check fire alarms/smoke detectors or the plumbing etc. That bit is unnerving and adds stress to your situation. Even if he is the kind that does not come around that often. He should be wise to any activities going on in the house. Cops make it their business to know what is going on around them at all times. It is just part of their training. Imagine the implications if you got busted and it is found out that the house is owned by a Cop. He would have a lot to answer for at an IA hearing. The only wiggle room you have is to be in a state where you can procure a med mj card. Grow just a plant or two. Make the whole grow as low profile as you can get. Have no smoking buddies around until you finish your grow completely. If the landlord ever does come around , plead ignorance and say you have the card and did not know it would cause so much trouble. Be very nice about the whole thing. Work with him. Act like a good citizen . Come to think of it , he probably has run a background check on your anyways prior to you moving in to his property. Prepare for the worst if you do grow.

As an aside, my landlord lives across the hall from me. It has become a full time job for me in ways to constantly monitor odor from my grow room . No leakages into the hallway anymore or else he will come down heavy. Luckily he does start work at 6am so he is in bed by 10pm . Then is the only time I can smoke . Never indoors but at my backdoor. To avoid any agro I keep my growing and smoking as tight as can be. No lapses or slacking off and allowing shit to happen. Never never, I like my herb too much to take those chances.....

good luck and smart growing