Ladybug problems.............


Well-Known Member
They are everywhere in my grow area. I even cleaned my grow area for about a good hour this morning and 30 minutes later im still seeing the buggers. Do these pose a threat to my plants? If so how do i rid of them.



Well-Known Member
they eat bad bugs leave them be..
They sell them for gardening..
People go as far as spraying cola and water on there wings so they become glued shut so they stick around there plants. Your lucky they just wanna chill in your grow room


Well-Known Member
I was trying to catch a ladybug in my house last got away



Active Member
Ladybugs wont harm your plants, they'll eat other bugs like spider mites which will really damage your crop. Though ladybugs prefer to eat Aphids they will eat spider mites as well which is why they are they are sold at gardening centers and such.


Well-Known Member
if u have lady bugs u need them u might want to check your plants to see why u have so many u might have alot of harmfull pests be careful get a magnifing glass and check the bottom of the small leaves

fat sam

Well-Known Member
dude biscuit they dont eat leaves, i order them from this hippy garden store in my area and i stick them in my tent, once they eat all the bugs in the tent they have a tendency to head out looking for food so what you can do to keep them around i sill take a plastic cup and wad up a paper towel and pour coke or sprite in it so they have something to eat, also they like apple slices and bits of oranges, anything sugary so keep them around, my guess is that if they keep finding their way in to your room chances are that there is something in there they bugs or mites, i mean shit they wont hang out anywhere there is no food


Active Member
Another good thing to do is take a mason jar and put 15-20 ladybugs in it and pop them in the freezer! if the lady bugs ever leave your garden and you get pest aphids spidermites ect. pull the ladybugs outa the freezer and they will come to life when thawed.put back in freezer when pest are gone!


stays relevant.
lady bugs are a grow op miracle... if you find them, put your palms together, face the sky, and say "thank you for this blessing!"


seriously... lady bugs are my #1 choice for fighting certain pests... they are gentle on the plants, and believe it or not they are vicious sadistic killers of anything that has wings or a soft body... i am going to include this movie just to give you an idea about how hardcore they are....

i hope you enjoy this as much as I did when I first saw it.
