Lady gives 9 year old son cannabis cookies.


Well-Known Member
I use to take that resPerdal that's nasty stuff to kick lots of side effects. I'm against mj use by anyone under 18 but in this case I can see the point


Well-Known Member
That's so stupid and immature giving a 9 year old weed. That's just poor parenting. Children shouldn't be corrupted by drugs at such a young age. Once they become educated adults that can make their own moral decisions about drugs, then they should try weed.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit cannabis seems alot safer than most prescription drugs. It's hard to see a loved one suffer. If it works I don't see whats wrong with it.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
"Many of you are experts in this situation because you know an autistic dude."
Turns out, you don't really know from having one class with them what their life is like.

I grew up with a mentally handicapped brother, and the drugs they give... he's been on 30 different drugs at the age of 19, all of them with their horrible side effects, that he doesn't even know how to describe... If we weren't in the Bible belt, then I'm sure that he would have MMJ right now and be a lot happier.

So fuck all of you saying that this is inappropriate.

Sittin On A Cloud

Well-Known Member
That's so stupid and immature giving a 9 year old weed. That's just poor parenting. Children shouldn't be corrupted by drugs at such a young age. Once they become educated adults that can make their own moral decisions about drugs, then they should try weed.
You obviously did not read the entire article. Or you just could not comprehend it.


Active Member
That's so stupid and immature giving a 9 year old weed. That's just poor parenting. Children shouldn't be corrupted by drugs at such a young age. Once they become educated adults that can make their own moral decisions about drugs, then they should try weed.
Did you even read the article? The boy has autism and severe pain due to surgeries for a spinal cord tumor and has an inflammatory bowel condition. Medical marijuana has changed there lives in ways the everyday person could not, would not even understand. I say good job Mom, I'd do the same for my kids. Fuck what people think aslong as your family is safe and happy thats all that really matters.


Well-Known Member
Thats a sad situation but good to see the MMJ helpd they need to just get on with it and make this shit legal nationwide or atleast bring it to P.A.


Well-Known Member
After reading the article I would agree that they're not doing anything wrong.. or anything that any other concerned and loving parent wouldn't do... so kudos to them I respect them and wish them the best


Well-Known Member
i think ALL should give it shot!!! if they got problems, shit they would of givin him oxy or sum crazy shit like that for his pain otherwize!!! wat the fuk is beter, an 80 of OC, or a joint.....u choose???


thats wat the hell i was thinkin my mom was like
'drugs r bad!!!....{snorts line of coke}....DONT DO EM!!'


damn i wish my moms was a stoner!
dont we all.

my mom used to have anxiety problems so she could never smoke but I always wished she did