Ladies of RIU, would you make a porno?


Well-Known Member
I've made 2 videos with s/o's. Both I destroyed after the break up, without posting it on any websites or showing anyone for purposes of "revenge".


Well-Known Member
I will say this, though...I took some pictures of an ex gf of mine naked once, and a long, long time after we'd broken up, my laptop was stolen with said pictures still on it. So i'm not sure if they ever ended up on a site or not. I imagine they didn't, though. Just my guess.


Well-Known Member
I had a tape of "home shenanigans" once.

we had a yard sale before moving and I have not seen that tape since.

I keep searching the porn sites for it but so far I have not been lucky.



i'll be down for doing a porno with the riu ladies, just hit me up.

ganjames and the rollitup mistresses

smoke my holes

he hits the bong and gives them the dong

cock isn't the only thing these girls are smokin'


Well-Known Member
i'll be down for doing a porno with the riu ladies, just hit me up.

ganjames and the rollitup mistresses

smoke my holes

he hits the bong and gives them the dong

cock isn't the only thing these girls are smokin'
Didn't you have a different account with a lot more posts?