Ladie Growers/Tokers out there?!!


Well-Known Member
Lol i will be glad when this cak battle is over and done with, cant come on here untill after 8pmas the kids are like,wtf is that?

Im like erm... wow.... look at the tv, the simpsons is on..

Lol i came on tonight and there were dicks n cameltoes allover :wall:

I just like looking at peacemanes sig pic, ive trained my eyes to blur the rest ha ha, im stoned :bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'M NOT OFFENDED BY PICS OF CHICKS FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME! But I should have the same right without listening to folks whine at me.And yes, bending over shows ass, taint, AND vagina.Why is it even an issue? Because I kinow for a fact that just about any thread on here has an AV or a sig somewhere in it where there's a chick.But now, a bunch of guys get together and start screaming, and suddenly, it's a problem.
Like I said though..First- your premise is wrong, waist down dick shot does not equal cleavage or butt shot. Second- Even if it did, there are better avenues if you are offended than bothering others. Third- The "we" you are referring to that are adding these pics is a group of very active users, whereas the previous offenders were relatively few and far between, you all post like maniacs and everyone that reads toke n talk has to see it. The whole thing isn't that big a deal, but that doesn't change that you guys are at fault for disturbing a lot of peoples' forum viewing. I, like many, will probably start ignoring it after a while, but it's still needlessly annoying. And while male bias is probably part of the small uproar about your pics, I think that for many of us that don't like this surge of genitalia pics it is for the reasons I mentioned above, not because we are all 1 way street woman haters.


New Member
I'M NOT OFFENDED BY PICS OF CHICKS FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME! But I should have the same right without listening to folks whine at me.And yes, bending over shows ass, taint, AND vagina.Why is it even an issue? Because I kinow for a fact that just about any thread on here has an AV or a sig somewhere in it where there's a chick.But now, a bunch of guys get together and start screaming, and suddenly, it's a problem.

YOU TELLEM!!! Ego hurts males more than females i guess. tee hee.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! 18 days....Psssh, nothing! You can do that standing on your head! I hate it when you have to say...I have 7 more that sucks!

I have on lady that's about 6-7 weeks out but she's gonna be a BEAST! She's the one Im really looking forward too. What kinda light did you grow those babies under?


Well-Known Member
I tell her she should sign up all the time because I think she'd get along great with most of the women around here, and she just loves shitting on whinny guys. But she always says one account is enough , and she can troll under mine if she's interested in something.