Lactobacillus Serum

Now I know there are plenty of threads regarding how to make the lactobacillus microaerophilic bacteria, albeit they're all basically the same threads. But I do have a couple questions to the experienced organic growers/home chemists lol. Considering the fact that A : I used Organic Soy milk instead of regular Unpasteurized milk, and B : Being that I keep it at a toasty 80 degrees in my house (thanks to the chilly weather we're getting this winter) the curds formed more rapidly than usual (3 days) although the lid often popped off of my tupperware I had it in( any idea what that means ?). So is my serum done at a faster rate or do I still have to let it chill for a week ?

P.S. I fed a little bit of it mixed with some water to my baby and she stood straight up ! Good sign ?