Lack of interest


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else suprised that their aren't more people interested in organic around here. There is always so few people viewing the organic threads compared to all the rest.
Thats all I got just thought I might start a conversation on this one.


Well-Known Member
I'm going 1/2 organic, 1/2 supplemented this year, got a good compost heap and a willow tree (for organic cloning). My supplement seedlings are bigger, but the compost seedlings are greener, it's a trade off I suppose. I'd post pics but I personally don't believe in making LEO's job any easier.

Most people are probably put off organic by the prospect of lesser yields, but half of them end up killing their plants with chemicals lol, something that's nearly impossible to do with organic methods.


Well-Known Member
I think that people are turned away from organics because they are have their eye on those huge yeild, and hydroponics growing. They arn't really into it for the best of the best but rather the quick way


Well-Known Member
I don't browse by category, I browse via New Posts. However, I am doing everything I can to keep things natural and organic.


Well-Known Member
For me, I really dont understand it...if someone explained it, I would be here all the time but when i come i'm like huh?:confused:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Me personally I just dont like the taste of organic weed. the time it takes to grow and the cost to get premixed organic anything and yeah the yields are a lot less and the infestations are a bigger problem and finding the best stuff to grow organics is a pain to.It just doesnt amtch any of my needs although some of my Fox farm is organic based but not much


Well-Known Member
well I'm glad I atleast got a conversation started here, I'm curious how big of a yield difference people really think there is between soil organic/non-organic or hydro-aero organic/non-organic. I would be suprised if a well educated thinking organic gardener couldn't produce yields close to non-organic gardeners. I agree that the bug issues may be a bit more severe but generally I would guess that organic gardeners are spending more time face down in the dirt and notice bug problems much sooner than most non-organic gardeners and can thus get the problem under control before it gets too bad. Thanks to anyone who has posted so far, I'm just happy to have this conversation picking up some interest.


Well-Known Member
im all about the hand fed hydro organics. i have 5 gal buckets of coco coir that i feed every 3 days with water soluble organic nutes and teas. ive never applied anything that i cant spell or pronounce. kinda like the ice cream commercials. i dont understand how some people can say that organics grows slower, i suppose it depends on the methods of organics used. my pics or on this thread but were taken two days ago. ill soon post more tonight when the lights are out. i know i know, its a typo thread name.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I rarely have any bug issues growing aero or hydro its rare but a mite flare up might show up on a rare occasion but additves to the res make plants scent off buggies.I will say organic soil grows will give more colors and beauty to plants then alot of aero but the time and effeort are hugely more intense for organic growing. I like bat guanos in soil though


Active Member
New time poster, old time organic grower. I have been growing organically for over 30 years. I have nothing against inorganic growing, food prices would be much higher if they were not used. I just prefer to grow organically for the ease and I do not want to put anything more chemicals into my lungs than I have to.

I think a lot of people don't have the patience that it takes to read, learn and apply organic methods when they can just grab a bottle of whatever and dump it on their plants.

I am now trying my first indoor grow and I know I have much to learn but I do like to experiment a lot and I should be able to grow enough to take care of my needs.

If you see an old guy in a Hawaiian shirt walking down the beach, throw this old dog a bone.


Well-Known Member
I think most of the people here are newbs just trying to get that first crop to harvest. Organic or not they don't give a shit, they just want bud.

IMO, interest in organics only comes into the picture with a more experienced grower looking to improve their crops and that only comes after a few grows.


Well-Known Member
I think the reason so many people are shying away from organics is the time and effort involved.

I am currently setting up a SOG growroom that will hopefully produce close to 2 lbs per month. While I was deciding whether or not to go organic, I realized that it would take me an additional one of two months of growing organically just to get an identical yield to one month's worth of my SOG setup.

That is the dilemma.


Well-Known Member
no offense but organic grows are becoming a thing of the past,its really all about the nutes and chems now. it helps to produce a healthy and thriving plant. just think of it as being a vegin compared to a meatveater,one is frail and pale and the other is strong,long and is good but its like the atari a great thing of its time but old technology.

gl with your ganics


Well-Known Member
I think most of the people here are newbs just trying to get that first crop to harvest. Organic or not they don't give a shit, they just want bud.

IMO, interest in organics only comes into the picture with a more experienced grower looking to improve their crops and that only comes after a few grows.
I agree with this, but also once people get to a certain stage they tend to get very set in their ways. Just watch how passionate people get over lighting choices, once they get to that point they are somewhat resistant to change.


New Member
if i could grow on a larger scale I would grow organically. I just dont have the resources to pay for the higher priced organic products. Plus, they arent as strong.


Well-Known Member
if thats true, then does that mean soma's seeds are not all that great? he only grows in soil with organics. i thought there were a few other seed breeders of champion weed grow their plants in all organics? is there any proof to show that organic grown bud is better? as far as taste, ive heard that it lays in the growers hands on whether the weed is sweet or gross.