Laceygirls Grow


Well-Known Member
Arjan had his place and built himself a secure position. Given the illegal nature of cannabis, people are more likely to post libel comments, knowing they are unlikely to be sued. Because if this it is often hard to distinguish the fact from the fiction, and this is further compounded again by the underground nature of the industry which is not condusive nor requires accurate independent reporting. That said, a variety of well known identities have all expressed having issues with Arjan's behaviour, past and present, and have cast doubt over his companies innovations and claims.

Not many people talk shit about Shanti. Most disagreement is over irrelevant details of dates and who had what first. He posts on ICMag and has a thread in his Mr Nice forums where you can talk to him about his strains and growing them. I don't know if Arjan could bring himself to get off his pedastal and deal with the masses.

Lacey, I'm curious why you would want another strain which will likely be similar to the widow you've been smoking for the last 10 years? I just think Shanti has so many good options, and you could try some exciting new strains.. How about a strong sativa dom?you've got lots of space, and not enough people are growing sats. See how you like the SSH first I guess... But I want to see spindly Christmas trees!


Well-Known Member
G'day everyone... Laceygirl here, I have decided to start another journal as this one has pics in it that aren't mine, due to the upgrade of this site... I'll still check in here from time to time but my new thread is now in my signature... The first journal (this one) is marked as DONE...;-)

Thanks for watching... Come on over to the new thread...:-P :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hi Kmoo... Shantibaba, is Scott Blakey... He's an Expat Australian, who was the founder of Greenhouse Seeds... Arjan was his partner...Arjan was the marketer and had no time for Scotts quality Arjan was too impatient, laws also changed, there were busts and so on, so they went their separate ways... Neville is also with Shantibaba, Nev knows his shit too...Nev is Mr Nice... Shantibaba and Neville make Mr Nice Seeds...
Nev isn't Mr. Nice. Mr Nice is Howard Marks. It can get quite confusing with 3 diff guys involved, and 2 of them having alias's. Heres a link about their history.


Well-Known Member
Something about an independent film company holding out..??? I have to do some more reading, but yeah, I am hanging to see it, it was only shown once.... In Canada????


Well-Known Member
Something about an independent film company holding out..??? I have to do some more reading, but yeah, I am hanging to see it, it was only shown once.... In Canada????
If it was aired even the once, then i can assure you some super Nerd (Possibly some1 with a background in electronics engineering & a degree in computer sciences) has nabbed it & uploaded it to the internet.. Search we must!
Wow Laceygirl, awesome thread! One could learn all they need to know from this thread alone, though it is quite long....great job....your avatar is pretty hott too...and Austrailian and grow bud....that is like the perfect storm of do an amazing job...


Well-Known Member
Hi guys just posting again, that I am closing this thread down, due to other pictures appearing in my first grow journal that aren't mine... Apparently there's nothing I can do about this so I have started my new journal.. Its Laceygirls 2000watt Super Lemon Haze Grow... Its listed in my signature at the bottom of this page.. I have also listed this thread as DONE in my sig, so you can unsubscribe to this thread..

Thanks everyone, hope to see you over at my new thread..



Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to your thread. Did you stop posting. I didnt see it on my list. How'd the lemon harvest go?