Thanks Doe!!!
Hi everyone Laceygirl again... My neoprene sleeves arrived from the US this morning... Yay... They are the greatest thing... The substitutes I've been using are ok, but these are softer, denser and lighter... And best of all black... Yay ebay..
Still no seeds as yet!!!!

I am a bit concerned... Fuck Australian customs...

Its not like I'm a huge commercial grower that's making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, bloody far from it.... Would I still be driving my shitty mirage if I did...?? Well probably yes, cause I love that

I ordered 20 seeds...
I hope they show up this week... My surname is Dutch so I am hoping they will let it slide on thru, like they did my first lot of seeds...They were sent super stealthily though...
I will post more pics of the big tent later on in the week... Still struggling with this toothache... I am off to the dentist tomorrow...