Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Going crap seedlings dying don't know anyone to get weed and my Xbox is broke 1st world problems feel sorry for me ::I feel like I should post more pseudo sad posts to compliment my new avatar. Shouldn't be too hard


Pickle Queen
April am I free to just make enough short posts to get my count up to 50 or is post whoring something you'd ban for?
I don't encourage post whoring, but ur allowed to add ur comments to any thread u find interesting I don't like banning members, only offer the very bad few brief time outs when needed. Why do u need 50 posts?


Well-Known Member
I don't encourage post whoring, but ur allowed to add ur comments to any thread u find interesting I don't like banning members, only offer the very bad few brief time outs when needed. Why do u need 50 posts?
So I can pm about 35 of you guys from this thread. I know what you're thinking. Occam's razor does not apply here =)


Well-Known Member
Lurked for ages... Never had the need to PM or PM'd before... Or posted
Suddenly needs to PM... the mystery continues...
Yes, nope, not here, yes and yes. I posted once the day I made this account last year. It's really the only time in 8-10 years of weed forums (roughly 6 here) that I ever felt compelled to say anything. Until now. =)