Lab gear required for LSD


Well-Known Member
I bet its pretty simple for chemistry majors all over the country..just gotta find a cool one..I used to buy books off a couple college guys from Berkeley when I was in Cali and Oregon...cleanest stuff as hell too..350$ a book.


Well-Known Member
This should be step one. It will store in the freezer for at least 6-8months in a brown glass vial.'s_Advanced_LSA_Extraction

There once was a talk about using microwaved epsom salt in the acetone extraction step. This is to keep the extraction anhydrous. It has since been removed for some reason.

If starting with a bulk amount of seeds, start with more acetone. Ebough to cover the seeds. Also implement a cold stirring plate where it says to stir, this will increase the efficiency drastically.

All work from here should be done out of sunlight and READ the fucking manual!


Well-Known Member
Only make enough for yourself. Be a responsible citizen and don't poison the waters since i don't imagine you have much experience in chemistry. The worst that could happen is you and others die. Murphy's law will say not to allow this possibility. Perfect practice makes perfect. Practice makes failures.


Well-Known Member
Start with KASH's LSA extraction from over at the nexus. It leaves a pure white powder LSA. The extraction TeK is prepped for 10 Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds but i found it can easily extract thousands in the same amount time. I've dosed 200 seeds worth up to 500 seeds worth and had a moderately visual and fearful/joyous experience.

You'll then need diethylamine to bond with the LSA alkaloids. The yield is low compared to ergot but nontheless is LSD25 and much safer.

There are other compounds you'll need for the extraction. It'll be in the lab write up.

As for equipment, you'll need a seperatory funnel,
graduated cylinders,
a stir plate,
evaporation plates or if you want to save you solvents and potentially work indoors instead use a glass reflux still and the propperly fit glass chambers for dry collection and wet collection (i forget what the actual names are),
A vacuum... if you are trying to save solvents,
Glass stir rod,
Lastly, a .001 accuracy scale with a protective box preventing air displacement over the scale face
Trying to make LSD from LSA is one of the worst ways to do it, not as safe as you're making it out to be and a huge pain in the ass.

Going from scratch with ergot is the long and unsafe way but the most rewarding.

You're going to need to know a lot of useful people to source the necessary precursors and LSD isn't something you can just learn to make reading online and then trying it out, this is something you need to be shown how to do in person.

Not only are the chemicals involved unsafe but the reactions they can cause as well, LSD synthesis needs extreme attention paid to everything involved, temperature, movement, time. Fuck up on any of these things and you can very well harm yourself and even worse kill yourself.

If you're a good enough chemist to make LSD the safety and effort aren't much of an issue as you should know exactly what you're doing to not harm yourself anyway, and if you're stupid enough to be impatient while doing dangerous drug synthesis then you have no place in a lab (or pretending your basement is one)

-chemistry student