La Hada's Spanish Garden - Caribe, Jamaican Dream, Double Dutch +


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm bad but I'm not that bad! I stopped with the videos in me yout!! Oh, u mean videos of others!!?

So, u think I'm bored huh? If u could see me lying here in the garden with my scissors, cup o tea and spiff, you'd see that I'm quite happy!! Would be just perfect if u could join me !!


Well-Known Member
Critical may tick all the boxes for you. My White Russian is an AK 47 x white widow. I know serious seeds has a great AK but I haven't done it.

I wanna concentrate on a good ol' classic, super skunk by sensi seeds and also power kush by Dinafem. SS is 45-50 days and PK is 50-55 and both are heavy!!! I have to grow for the club now so I need to produce fast weight but with quality. The Double Dutch and JD may just have to be for personal.

Right now I'm in the garden in a bikini chopping more of that melon gum. Have to cut another JD today too.
ya I know that critical mass will be good enough around here to get top dollar I got 20 seeds to find a good mother and the only ones who say it aint that good on this site never even grew it and they compare it to big bud then half of them say critical + is great and act like its a cross but its just an s1 if anything the original should be better.
I also got some high hopes for the Shit sounds close to super skunk its a skunk #1 x afghan dom skunk #1 and the yield aint much less than cm and they say some finish in 45 days and a lot of people at the mr. nice forum seem to like it.
but that description they got on the medicine man sounds like its strong as hell the yield aint too bad either but that will probally be just for myself if its as good as they say.
I also want to grow a good haze like super silver haze , mango haze or kalli mist from serious but that would definetly be for my own supply cause you aint making any extra for a long flowering strain around here and nobody sells good sativa dom strains around here and the only sativa I've had is mexican brick.

p.s. how bout a pic of you trimming in your bikini I'd love to see a beautiful girl trimming in a bikini:bigjoint: I'd get my girl to but its too cold around here already:sad: maybe I could get her to do it butt naked :blsmoke:


New Member
Hey I'm bad but I'm not that bad! I stopped with the videos in me yout!! Oh, u mean videos of others!!?

So, u think I'm bored huh? If u could see me lying here in the garden with my scissors, cup o tea and spiff, you'd see that I'm quite happy!! Would be just perfect if u could join me !!
i wish i could, im doing the same thing as you haha.


Well-Known Member
If we only could have a trimming party together guys, on my terrace lapping up the last of the Summer sun! Then I'd take u out for tapas and kick ass mojitos before smoking up the rest of the evening in an association. That's a plan man!

Blunt, I'll see what I can do abt the bikini photos of that skinny rack. Need to spend more time concentrating on putting meat on it and not in it! ;)


Well-Known Member
If we only could have a trimming party together guys, on my terrace lapping up the last of the Summer sun! Then I'd take u out for tapas and kick ass mojitos before smoking up the rest of the evening in an association. That's a plan man!

Blunt, I'll see what I can do abt the bikini photos of that skinny rack. Need to spend more time concentrating on putting meat on it and not in it! ;)
there has to be sangria for me to help............................and paella


Well-Known Member
found a cabbage moth under the shade cloth. neemed plant and i'm on caterpillar watch. made more brownies........*drool*


Well-Known Member
If we only could have a trimming party together guys, on my terrace lapping up the last of the Summer sun! Then I'd take u out for tapas and kick ass mojitos before smoking up the rest of the evening in an association. That's a plan man!

make it pina coladas or strawberry daquiries and I'm good to go. I'm down for summer weather its not even 60 degrees here today.


Well-Known Member
Sangria, piña coladas? You guys are fussy !! In Spain we take it easy and go with the flow, we party in the street and we walk nude on the beach!! I plan to get pissed on Chivas when I go out but that doesn't mean I won't drink Claras!!

Works goin well, I've just arranged all my JD!! Didn't finish chopping the melon gum and I want that out too. At this rate I'll have sold up before harvest!!


Well-Known Member
Sangria, piña coladas? You guys are fussy !! In Spain we take it easy and go with the flow, we party in the street and we walk nude on the beach!! I plan to get pissed on Chivas when I go out but that doesn't mean I won't drink Claras!!


really walk nude on the beach? I don't know about me walking nude with all them naked spanish girls I don't think I would be able to hide my excitement. lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It's normal on the beach. It was only last they banned nudity in the street! However walking around the centre, near shops and restaurants with ur top off or in a bikini is frowned upon one mile past the beach.


Well-Known Member
Sangria, piña coladas? You guys are fussy !! In Spain we take it easy and go with the flow, we party in the street and we walk nude on the beach!! I plan to get pissed on Chivas when I go out but that doesn't mean I won't drink Claras!!


really walk nude on the beach? I don't know about me walking nude with all then naked spanish girls I don't think I would be able to hide my excitement. lol :bigjoint:
I reckon you'd give them a good eyeful!!


Yo LaHada.
How you doing?

Hows the chopping!? Thanks again for that spray. Did the job properly, but I should have bought more!
Just found a load more caterpillars when I started trimming, same two types!

I got hit by that rain last week as well and just pulled the rest -now the suns back out.. :/

Ah well, you win some you lose some...

The plants look great. Might have to sample some of that if it's not all gone ;)
Let me know if it's still cool to come down to that new place btw- be really interesting to see.

Will give you a shout soon.

Peace X


Well-Known Member
Hey!! Good to hear from you. I knew that spray would work for you. I wanted to make u another one. I used a BT spray for the caterpillars but still found some. I've been so busy chopping and I've only done the small ones. I must save u some JD. The club sold out of it by 9pm and only opened at 2pm so proper sell out!! They're really happy! Weathers been great last couple of days hasn't it? I've been on the terrace all day chopping.

Let me know when you want to go to the club, they've got some nice hash for you and they gave me some iceolater, purple haze and double Dutch diesel to test. Better if I introduce u and it's a mission to find (round the back of rosa negra). Take care and see u again soon! :)

Ps That Piknik was wicked m8!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!!! How's it going ? I've been so busy cutting. I started at 2pm and its nearly midnight and I'm still on the White Russian. I've got help tomorrow luckily. It's gonna be a bikini chopping fest in the sun!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! How's it going with u all? I've been in the garden for 4 days now and I'm still chopping! It took 3 of us to get thru the double Dutch and it's not finished yet. I estimate around 300g dry weight. I'll upload some pics in a bit