La Hada's Spanish Garden - Caribe, Jamaican Dream, Double Dutch +


Well-Known Member
Hello People !!!

Hope u've all had a lovely weekend. I've had a great one. I haven't done the garden but I've been in one.

Piknic, Montjuic in Barcelona. Day Rave !! It was brilliant up there - what a way to spend the day !! The families with kids leave in the afternoon and it goes on til 11pm. Some people arrive from the Saturday night so there is quite a mix of people. I love the mist shower cubicle frame to cool down ' La Fresca' Pic below. Music was great. :clap:

Picture 057.jpgPicture 059.jpgPicture 061.jpgPicture 065.jpgPicture 066.jpgPicture 067.jpgView attachment 2264767Picture 072.jpgPicture 074.jpgPicture 076.jpgView attachment 2264778



Well-Known Member
Hola Chicos !!!

Que tal ? La Hada es una chica muy mala!!

Why? Because I've been neglecting my girls and letting them go hungry. Please excuse the sideways photos - they're not all like that!

I have to re-pot a couple of them. I have given quite a few away this year and my friends are enjoying the Summer grow. I need to feed a bit more. I have been out a lot recently having fun (beach parties, music festivals etc) and also have been quite busy indoors - mainly tho it's just lazy bitch behaviour tbh!

It's so hot I have to go to the gym to cool down or over to my 12:12 AC. I've really messed up one of my Sativas but I've got enough and it\s new growth looks ok, nothing like the other Caribe one next to it.

They've all come a long way and would grow even bigger in larger pots - one is popping over the fence now so I'm glad I didn't !

Picture 079.jpgPicture 080.jpg This is a JD clone of mine. I re-potted it recently and it's blown up.

Picture 081.jpg These 2 are a bit hungry. GH Cheese on the left and JD clone on the right.

Picture 082.jpg Double Dutch has grown a lot and Ive had to increase the nutes. She's hungry !!

Picture 083.jpg Good Caribe , Bad Caribe !! I fucked up the ones on the right but the new growth is ok

Picture 084.jpg Neglected JD clones - will transplant the starving one in the background tomorrow !!

Picture 085.jpgPicture 086.jpg What did I do to this Caribe ? Actually I do know but I don't wanna tell you !!!

Picture 088.jpg One part of the terrace out of 3 - they're everywhere !!

Picture 089.jpgPicture 091.jpg My clones - Melon Gum on the left and White Russian on the right (yes I put 2 clones in the pot- why - coz I have too many and I don't care if they don't turn out)

Picture 092.jpg This JD clone had spider mites so it has been quarantined. Was gonna chuck it but I love Neem oil. Also hungry !! Supposed to be 90% Sativa but eats like it's 90% indica !!!

Feeding Atami Growth C 2-2.5 ml/L (rec'd 3-5 ml on bottle) every watering and now adding Bloom 1-1.5 ml/ L. Water only once a week with Atami Enzyme which helps to flush. Haven't been checking the EC but have used PH drops to keep it beneath PH 7. Using 48 hr tap water.



Well-Known Member
Picture 129.jpg Here a pic of my Power Kush (Dinafem). I'm really liking them but they are bloody tall. They are Afghan x Skunk so I should have flipped them at less than 25 cms. They're at 70 cms now and it Day 28. They'll be ready in Week 7. Im also growing Double Dutch clones in the background which I took from the Outdoor and some White Russian. There are a few Pineapple Chunk but they're really lanky so I won't do them in future, plus they're 8 weeks. Too slow !!! My Jd will be ready in a couple of weeks - can't wait !!


Well-Known Member
photo (3).jpg

Hi Guys !!! Here's the Dutch Cheese as promised. The company is Dutch Passion. Sorry about the lazy photo taken on my mobile. It's too hot to get up sometimes.

I reckon I should clone this girl. I could always use her for personal. 8-9 weekers are too slow for me in general. I hate the envelopes/packaging that the Dutch Passion seeds come in. Their marketing and packaging leaves a lot to be desired. Only 1 in 3 seeds germinated - but look at it. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys !!

Hope you're having a great Summer !! I've been busy in the garden today so I took some pictures. The girls have been quite hungry and now need increased P & K now. I've been a bit lazy with them because I've been working indoors a lot.

The first to be ready will be the Jamaican Dream in September and then the Melon Gum and White Russians. The Sativa Dom ones will finish last. Ive sprayed them with Neem as a couple of then have had spider mites. I'm really looking forward to my Cheese. I'm definitely not looking forward to caterpillars and male pollen. So far so good!!

On the whole I'm happy with them. It's starting to get interesting now that they are changing. I've never seen my clones grow so big as I usually work with a SOG indoors. It is great to watch them grow naturally and slowly compared to indoor methods but I'm not the most patient of people. :-P

DSC06249.jpgDSC06250.jpg This is a JD clone of mine. I'm still vegging it a bit but will move it to the dark
terrace this week. It had a couple of spider mite so I neemed it.

DSC06251.jpg This is what I was avoiding !! The neighbours can see them and the tops may not be light tight at night. The tallest one, a Caribe is about 6 foot tall now. Its not doing very well though.

DSC06252.jpgDSC06253.jpg The Double Dutch and the Caribe are starting to flower now.

DSC06254.jpg This is my Double Dutch. I'm really happy with this one. I topped it a while back when I needed cuttings.

DSC06255.jpgA bunch of JD clones and a couple of cheese

.DSC06256.jpg Bit of a forest !!

DSC06273.jpg Melon Gum clone and White Russian, both starting to flower now, but still looking hungry!!



Well-Known Member
Hi Guys !!

Hope you're having a great Summer !! I've been busy in the garden today so I took some pictures. The girls have been quite hungry and now need increased P & K now. I've been a bit lazy with them because I've been working indoors a lot.

The first to be ready will be the Jamaican Dream in September and then the Melon Gum and White Russians. The Sativa Dom ones will finish last. Ive sprayed them with Neem as a couple of then have had spider mites. I'm really looking forward to my Cheese. I'm definitely not looking forward to caterpillars and male pollen. So far so good!!

On the whole I'm happy with them. It's starting to get interesting now that they are changing. I've never seen my clones grow so big as I usually work with a SOG indoors. It is great to watch them grow naturally and slowly compared to indoor methods but I'm not the most patient of people. :-P

View attachment 2298252View attachment 2298253 This is a JD clone of mine. I'm still vegging it a bit but will move it to the dark
terrace this week. It had a couple of spider mite so I neemed it.

View attachment 2298254 This is what I was avoiding !! The neighbours can see them and the tops may not be light tight at night. The tallest one, a Caribe is about 6 foot tall now. Its not doing very well though.

View attachment 2298257View attachment 2298258 The Double Dutch and the Caribe are starting to flower now.

View attachment 2298260 This is my Double Dutch. I'm really happy with this one. I topped it a while back when I needed cuttings.

View attachment 2298263A bunch of JD clones and a couple of cheese

.View attachment 2298274 Bit of a forest !!

View attachment 2298275 Melon Gum clone and White Russian, both starting to flower now, but still looking hungry!!

View attachment 2298276
great looking plants ya got there!!! be watching this thread for sure .


Well-Known Member
they all look really great with the exception of that Caribe. normally i don't suggest transplanting in flower but that plant needs a bigger pot and it looks like it has serious N deficiency. i would put her in a large 12 gallon + pot and start feeding her a little more N. cut away some of the dead stuff on the lower branches to. give her a cleanup of sorts.


Well-Known Member
I've so had it with that plant. I've had it on veg nutes for a while. It's really tall and may grow even more if I transplant it. I flushed it a while ago but never got it back again. I've got 12 more so I'm not too upset