La Hada's Spanish Garden - Caribe, Jamaican Dream, Double Dutch +


Well-Known Member
hay viste una photo de mi? tengo muchos aqui en varios "threads." no creo que soy "guapo" :lol: posible mas o

i've always gotten my seeds from i ordered from them the first time and the delivery was fast and they seemed reliable. now i just continue to order from them. usually once a year or so. i don't have a favorite strain. i like to try new things out. i usually stick to 8-10 flowering strains and try to get high yielding ones. right now, between the 2 places, i have 12 moms of 6 different strains going. i keep my moms for about 12-18 months and then i change them out. i have a TON of seeds in the freezer from over the years. i probably don't need to order anymore for a few years but i like a little variety.

water cooling is really simple. easier to hook up than an ac. water is a much better conductor and heat and therefore much more efficient at transferring heat from your grow room. my chiller uses less energy and works half as much as an ac would. check out when you have some time. go to the "videos" tab and just watch a few. really interesting stuff.

y como va tu fin de semana? que haces. ahorra es 8 de la manana aqui. acabas de tener un te y tostadas con miel. ahorra voy hacer un poco trabajo en el jardin y voy a nadar en la playa. ocupa ejercicio.


Well-Known Member
Hey Scooby,

I´ve heard of that site but never used it. Too easy to walk around the corner and open up my friends fridge in the shop. Sometimes I may order something special and if they can´t get it another shop can. (Dr. Undergound and Sensi Seeds for example).

I used to get told off for having too many Mums (my helpful friends in the mountains!) but I like to have a choice of unusual strains which are not run of the mill. Unlikely for me to grow Critical for instance. This has been a good move so far as Associations here are always looking for choice. .

The one thing I dread about outdoor growing is the possibility of inexperienced growers keeping males by accident and fertilising my girls !!! Male pollen travels for miles. Free seeds I suppose!!!

I will look into that site to find out more as I don´t like not knowing how things work. Environment control is so important. I´m planning on doing the night shift instead !! I usually have the lights on 11 am -11pm. I will change this from 7pm-7am. It an attic flat and it´s getting hot up there, even with AC.

It´s raining now so the girls are having a nice shower. It hasn´t rained for weeks so it´ll be nice and fresh later. It´s been humid for days here.

Big football night with Spain vs. Italy - the final. The city will be loud and crazy tonight!!

No eres guapo? La belleza está en los ojos de quien mira !!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey Scooby,

I´ve heard of that site but never used it. Too easy to walk around the corner and open up my friends fridge in the shop. Sometimes I may order something special and if they can´t get it another shop can. (Dr. Undergound and Sensi Seeds for example).

I used to get told off for having too many Mums (my helpful friends in the mountains!) but I like to have a choice of unusual strains which are not run of the mill. Unlikely for me to grow Critical for instance. This has been a good move so far as Associations here are always looking for choice. .

The one thing I dread about outdoor growing is the possibility of inexperienced growers keeping males by accident and fertilising my girls !!! Male pollen travels for miles. Free seeds I suppose!!!

I will look into that site to find out more as I don´t like not knowing how things work. Environment control is so important. I´m planning on doing the night shift instead !! I usually have the lights on 11 am -11pm. I will change this from 7pm-7am. It an attic flat and it´s getting hot up there, even with AC.

It´s raining now so the girls are having a nice shower. It hasn´t rained for weeks so it´ll be nice and fresh later. It´s been humid for days here.

Big football night with Spain vs. Italy - the final. The city will be loud and crazy tonight!!

No eres guapo? La belleza está en los ojos de quien mira !!!!

HUGE night for football. people are even excited for it all the way over here. lol. costa rica's football teams suck but they love to play...:bigjoint:

i do 7pm to 7am too. or 8-8 or 9-9. just depends on what i've got going on at the time. makes it a lot easier to cool the room too.

no lo se. es dificil a decir que "soy guapo"...que feo. :eyesmoke:

en honduras
Cayos Cuchinos.jpg

en cuba

apartamento en panama..:lol:


Well-Known Member

But the question really is ..... Are ur bananas bigger then my mangoes ?

Until then ....................................................................... Lol !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys & Gals!! ,

I've got a little dilemma. I need to sort out a few of my plants ASAP. Below are different queries regarding LST, FIM and re-potting. Please let me know what you would do.

I've got too much to do !:wall:

Picture 002.jpg This is called being lazy. I have put 2 white russian clones of mine in an 11L pot. From here, should I a) prune in between the 2 clones? b) sacrifice - kill the smaller one? c) lots of pruning into 2 skinny colas? d) leave it to grow and as I have enough anyway?

Picture 003.jpgClose-up of White Russian clones

Picture 004.jpg

Picture 006.jpgCaribe, I want to prune of the bottom to increase airflow and reduce bugs problems. How far should I go? Just the little branches or quite a few.

Picture 008.jpg This is called being extremely lazy !! This seed was the only one that germinted out of 3!! Thanks Dutch Passion, go get some decent packaging and stop using paper envelopes !! It needs help, it had a nice shower in the rain yesterday. Yes, I know it needs to be re-potted. Any pruning or just leave the poor little thing alone?? Dutch Cheese BTW.

Picture 009.jpg

Picture 010.jpg Passion flower - I had 4 today !!

Picture 011.jpg Hibiscus Lily



Well-Known Member
they are kinda woody to be bending over in a LST. just pop them in 10 gal. pots and top each to 4 colas. LST time has passed, imo.