LA Confidential (Hermie) : Fish or Cut Bait?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys haven't posted much but have been growing for about three years. I now have Afrodite, La Blanca, and LA Confidential going and my LAX has started spitting out balls mainly on one branch where there is a ball at every node. Some of the other branches have little balls/claws growing but they all spouted out pistils. The only other hermie I've had was a Bubbalicious AF and its balls were spitting out bananas.

So what the hell is this thing doing? Tempted to cut because I don't want seeds and I have two full females. Anyone had this kind of growth before that could shed some light? Maybe just take off the branch with the full balls and watch the rest closely?

Room: 2x4x7 Tent
Light: 400w HPS
Light Cycle: 12/12 (Day 19 flower)
Light leaks: (none, I have checked before every grow)
System: 2x4 ebb and flow
Watering: every 45 min
Water used: RO
Nutrients: GH 3pt, Cal Mag, Aquashield, Sweet Raw (all mixed 1/2 strength)
PPM: 1000 (using Hanna pen)
PH: 5.0-5.5
PH rising or dropping: Drops a little. Set to 5.5 and it drops to 5.0 and I re-adjust about once a week

Not having any nute problems or anything, just wondring if I should fish or cut bait? What would ya'll do?



Well-Known Member
Your sure ?

I don't see the bananas.

It could be just a swollen calyx....I've had big seed looking cylaxs right where it branches but it wasn't a hermie.

It will make you think male but no nanners ever show up. Just this swollen calyx with a few hairs.

Bananas will also usually pop out of the buds...not the junction of a branch. ( Only true males will banana at that spot )

I'd say isolate it for a few days and see if it really is a hermie...look at the buds themselves.

But I've seen those weird growths before....some were really big ! ( Especially on sativas ) But again they were not hermies. So from your pics I would say no.

You can always reach in there and wipe them off....

Still saying no to the hermie theory.


Well-Known Member
Eh, tried dm reverse before and it doesn't do nothing.

Im gonna watch it close for a lil bit and take it down if/when i see the bananas coming in. Maybe i can get some good hash out of it at least... :/


Well-Known Member
Remove and use Dutch Masters Reverse on the plant to save.

and to goodtimes, it does great work for me (reverse). I use it on any fem seed plant, im slowly getting rid of all fem seed strains. All have hermie traits.
if you need to pluck that ball I guess, but your talking about MALE parts, not about bananas. No sign of nanners, just that looks like a male ball mybe, I think its just the bud starting. pluck that one spot if you insist. dont do anything crazy even if its hermie it wont chuck pollen for awhile in my experience


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm finding it real hard to cut down my only LAX. The other two strains should be done at 50-55 days, where as the LAX takes 65, so hopefully I can get those other two out of there before any pollen exploads. I've looked pretty much the whole plant over and havent seen any bananas yet, last hermie I had they were all inside the bud so I know what to look for. Just don't see em yet.

I have some reverse and penitrator left over from my last application so I'll go ahead and spray her down tomorrow. Fingers crossed, I really don't wanna cut the plant down.....


Active Member
if thats the only plant you have flower it anyways and try and remove the bananas as much as possible turn it into some nice bubble hash or put her outside to finish bring in every day at 6 if ur already getting 13 light hours by the time shes ready to chop and make bubble with it should be time to flip the switch and start flowering your new babes