L.E.D lighting


Well-Known Member
leds are shi-ite.

that was basil u grew under them not cannabis.basil is a hardy herb that will thrive in the worse of lighting techniques.thats y it grows so well.


New Member
leds are shi-ite.

that was basil u grew under them not cannabis.basil is a hardy herb that will thrive in the worse of lighting techniques.thats y it grows so well.
I have three dried out pots of it on my windowsill, now that you mention it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
40 i think your just fuckin around with these peeps fire n them up hahaha lol you probably have a bomb ass 1000 watter running on a drip system right now,lol.


New Member
40 i think your just fuckin around with these peeps fire n them up hahaha lol you probably have a bomb ass 1000 watter running on a drip system right now,lol.
I do grow on a 1000. I got it for 100 with the ballast from a hydro shop used.I grew on cfl's before that just in case you think i have no sense of humor.:mrgreen: havent worked my way up to hydro yet.

I am just having fun. I thought it was obvious that i was joking with the 8 ft plants and the led lights. If anyone would have asked, i wouldnt have denied it.But really, if you are going to grow with led's or cfl's, you are going to need to be able to laugh. It frustrating.You must also realize that HID's are better for growth.
I dont blame people for growing anyway they can, but know there is something better.


Active Member
Depends which LED you are using. Make sure that the lamp you are using has HI-Power leds in it.

For my money either the Procyon 100 (which is like a 250 watt HPS) or the TI-Smartlamps are the ones to go with.

I've seen the smartlamps grow and there really do work. The smartlamp is the same as 600 watt hps. They also have these wicked water cooled ones called the Smartbar.

You can check em out at the hobby test site run by this guy Steve at greenpinelane.com


Well-Known Member
As someone with actual experience with LEDs, low and high power, I can say with empiricism that they are an over priced joke. High power LEDs are roughly comparable to CFL and 5mm LEDs are worse than CFL. I have 120 watts worth.

If people want an over priced, under performing lighting system then you should choose LEDs.

Don't waste your money on LEDs (if you do, build your own high power arrays).


Active Member
:blsmoke:I will pop in my two cents for what its worth.

I purchased some just like the screw in type on Ebay. 168 leds per bulb. I used 5 mixed red/blue and4 far reds. It was on some Northern Lights. First plant, I drowned, starved, overfed, and still after topping a few times, had about 1/2 to 3/4 ounce(no scale at the time) of some very respectable stuff. On the second plant, I was a bit smarter, proper drainage and proper nutes. It yielded 3/4 ounce of VERY potent smoke. Nuggs were respectable, curing to the diameter of a quarter being 1-3 inches long. There was trichromes covering buds and 50% surface of leaves as well. (hey! it was my first grow...)

I supplemented with 2-3 cfl screw ins (Thx Knowm) and 2 18" t5's. Grand total of maybe 160 watts.

My benefits were no smell at all outside grow cabinet, NO HEAT! buds were touching most of the time due to height restrictions. And I had GROWERS sitting next to the monolithic cabinet I cobbled to gether in a relatively nice chill room. NO ONE KNEW! (I didnt want to embarass myself until I was sure) After I showed my end result to them, they were mildly impressed.(They all use 1k's)

My advice is as follows.
If you use them, use the screw in style(Like on ebay), or a higher grade,i.e. Procyon, Lightblaze etc.

Be sure to have ample blue spectrum. I will be using more CFLs next time.

If using a far red spectrum, then MAKE SURE to give it plenty of blue spectrum as well.

Do your research. As I said, I was using 9 total and with 20 bux worth of cfls from Home Depot. This brought about a substantial return in my opinion. And I enjoyed it immensely.

Before the flames start, remember, this was my first grow, and I only had 1 plant that I had to force bloom to coincide with a move. I will post more on my next grow.:blsmoke::peace:
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Active Member
Good joke 40 thats the best grow op i ever seen on the second pic the guy that made that set up is a genius unfourtunally they got busted, it was an impresive underground cave in tennessee what a shame.


Active Member
A cave, now that is bloody amazing, were they busted by help from the "Don't mind their own fucking business public" ? New a person once many years ago who dug a hole with wooden beam supports about 6 feet deep and 9 x 9 feet room underneath a water tank in the back yard. A lot of work to go to !!


New Member
A cave, now that is bloody amazing, were they busted by help from the "Don't mind their own fucking business public" ? New a person once many years ago who dug a hole with wooden beam supports about 6 feet deep and 9 x 9 feet room underneath a water tank in the back yard. A lot of work to go to !!
The cave was a black hol eof electricity. the pic i posted is just a small part of it. There was a sea of 6 ft plants under a suns worth of hid.


Well-Known Member
1) 40 you had me pissing myself, thanks for the laugh
2) Is that how that cave in Tennessee was busted?, because of the massive electrical usage?


Well-Known Member
ohh, and on the topic of led's. It seems to me that it does work (not very well), but the plant is spending way to much energy reaching for the light making it tall and uneven. Now what if you place a proper ratio of red and blue led's in a christmas tree lighting fashion, as close to the plant as possible.


Active Member
Simply amazing 40 acres. Dickheads in OZ tap into the mains power and think no one will notice, some people are just too stupid for their own good.


Well-Known Member
hi everyone.

my first grow and i want too supliment my lighting with LED. i have dabbled in windowsill growing a couple of times but had too cull last plant 3 days ago. here is my idea, i would like some advice.

micro PC case
1x 8w aqua flouro
1x 40w 2700 CLF
1x 40w 6500 CLF
blue hi led around 420nm x50
red hi led around 650nm x150

tube is mounted into top of case with both CLF lighting from the sides, my LEDS would be powered from onboard pc powersupply and clustered around my main 8w fluro adding to the red/blue bands, plants will be force flowered from seedling (lowryder / lowrdyer 2) with a 12/12 light pattern. mylar sheet will be placed all over inside of case, 12cm and 9cm case fans will cool and keep air movement.

would i have any troubles with only 88w of lighting and a small micro pc case ?. i am worried that the 84 arcadia tube wont be any good. but is all i have too play with. i am in hope the grow will work so i can upgrade next year with a home PC server case.