L.A. Woman problems?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else had problems with their L.A. Woman plants growing... I have one that's about three weeks into veg. I lst'd it a bit early .. but it hasn't really been growing much in the past two weeks.
on the contrary it has developed defs. specifically cal/mag defs and/or lockout.
I've flushed. I will repot her tomorrow and see how she does.
Just curious if anyone else is having problems with their L.A. growing.


Well-Known Member
what are you growing in ?
the L.A. i have is sitting in FF Happy Frog with FF liquid nutes. right now it's growing in a 6x6 inch square pot. i plan repotting it today into Roots Organic soil...i really don't know what the problem is but it doesn't seem to get better I've flushed... most of my other plants bounced back from the problems they were having.... i also forgot to add that when she broke soil she had two heads ..so i cut the smaller of the two early.. i'm a bit puzzled about it


Well-Known Member
have you checked your soil ph run off and do you add lime to your soil? alot of soils ..i know you are using good quality soil ..but sometimes even on good quality soil the ph is off ..and nutes lower ph ...just top dress with some lime and use straight water on them..do not feed. if you have some earth juice micro blast. just a little bit.top dress with garden lime a few inch's deep when you transplant..make sure the soil gets coated good with the lime..and water it through the soil letting it do its thing of PH balancing out the soil.
if this plant has a low PH soil run off..and i would suspect it does it would mean this plant is just more sensitive to PH..but your other plants soil PH is off too..LIME EVERYTHING..it wont hurt your plants it is good for them.a digital ph testor is the best way to check for soil run off ph...but it does not matter lime the crap out of them anyway.


Well-Known Member
have you checked your soil ph run off and do you add lime to your soil? alot of soils ..i know you are using good quality soil ..but sometimes even on good quality soil the ph is off ..and nutes lower ph ...just top dress with some lime and use straight water on them..do not feed. if you have some earth juice micro blast. just a little bit.top dress with garden lime a few inch's deep when you transplant..make sure the soil gets coated good with the lime..and water it through the soil letting it do its thing of PH balancing out the soil.
if this plant has a low PH soil run off..and i would suspect it does it would mean this plant is just more sensitive to PH..but your other plants soil PH is off too..LIME EVERYTHING..it wont hurt your plants it is good for them.a digital ph testor is the best way to check for soil run off ph...but it does not matter lime the crap out of them anyway.
thanks max, I've gotten the same advice over and over again about throwing some lime in there. After i repotted my other plants they made a total 360. I've been trying to pinpoint what exactly the problem is and it all comes back to the soil.
something i did along the way threw my Ph off big time. I've tested the runoff with a GH liquid ph kit and it was LOW. I don't have a digital meter right now which is pretty much like making me walk through the grow blind ( those HD analog meters BLOW) which is what i have. at some point during this grow I'm going to need to throw that lime in there. It's just a matter of getting to HD to get it.
one more thing about the Lime.
If my tap has a ph of more than 8 ( i test and adjust it before hand) woud the lime affect it. from my understanding lime brings the ph up?? could the lime cause my soil to get too alkaline??


Active Member
The lime could make the ph too high, but if the runoff ph is ok, you're fine. My LA woman was more tolerant of high PH than any of my other plants. It didn't like it, but kept right on growing anyway.


Well-Known Member
nope..lime PHs the soil up..but will not go over seven..my run off is 6.5 to 6.8.
a decent ph test meter on ebay is like 25 bucks...its hard to test run off ph with a liquid test kit..the run off is too murkie and hard to see.
it would be hard to over due lime. still PH your water before pouring it on your plants.
start by pre mixing your soil with lime. mix a couple of large cups into a cu ft of soil. wet it down a little and let the lime ph the soil. if you dont currently have the lime in your soil go get some and top dress it in and water it into the soil .a 40 or 50 lb bag of lime at lowes is like 3.50.

sees in the dark

Active Member
The L.A. Woman had what is called salt nute lockout. Nutes were blocked by a salt build up on the roots. All liq/nutes are all salt base and reqs. flushing depending on the side of the system,once a week on all liq/feed systems,will be kepted free of salt build up,and nute lock out. Peace and POT!,sees.


Well-Known Member
The L.A. Woman had what is called salt nute lockout. Nutes were blocked by a salt build up on the roots. All liq/nutes are all salt base and reqs. flushing depending on the side of the system,once a week on all liq/feed systems,will be kepted free of salt build up,and nute lock out. Peace and POT!,sees.
this plant has been flushed twice .. the runoff is hard to test but i'm sure it was very low.. it seemed so when i tested it ... it could explain the weak growth and yellow leaves.... i repotted it a few minutes ago ... i didn't feed any nutes besides FF BB and molasses.. i want to see how it takes to the soil before i decide how much food to feed her. and when i do (as long as my ph is ok) she getting a good dose .. i think the poor plant is just starving...


Well-Known Member
the soil is going to have enough food for them to veg in..so long as you have flushed the soil..and you did...the only other problem its going to be is PH..they will pull out of problems in veg from being out of PH it takes awhile sometimes ..it depends on how bad it is...when the soil that the roots are in ...is out of PH it will starve the plant...the plant cannot uptake nutes and micro nutes as it needs them...causing a nute lock out..no matter how much you feed trying to correct a PH deff it wont work..because it cant take up the nute/micro nute anyway at the wrong PH.
the correct PH for growing in soil is between 6.5 and 7...for hydro it is 5.6 to 5.8...and not over 6