kushner lied about billion dollar loans from soros and goldman sachs

RIU is just another platform for butthurt pussyhat sore losers democrats who can't handle the real world. Take your safety pin and go hide in your safe space.

There is more discussion about politics around here than growing weed. And I'm 100 percent sure you can't even grow some lettuce.

what's it like to vote for someone and then have them break every single promise they made to you in the first 100 days?

i've never had that happen, i only vote for honorable people. not old dumb racists who wear adult diapers and have to pay their own wives to fuck them.
not really what this thread is about, but you asshurt bernouts feel free to mouth-shit whatever you need to.
Yeah, but I agree - though probably for different reasons. The way I see it, I suffered through her inept campaign in order to do what I could to ensure that we don't get - exactly what we got (though I thought it could not really be this bad). Now that she lost, I have no use for her. I literally would not walk up a flight of stairs to meet her - but I would let her buy me a drink.
I know I'm in the politics section you stupid morons. No wonder you idiots lost the elections.

Just sayin stop spamming the politics section. Every time I look for the new posts I see more threads about politics this idiot started. Politics should not be part of this forum. Go cry on twitter or Facebook.

It is easy to be hero here because riu is infested with pussyhats like you and you know you will be supported. If you really, really wanted to discuss I dare you to go to breibart. I double dare you.

i have an account of breitbart.

they cry and report my every post.

Screenshot 2017-05-02 at 5.09.54 PM.png
RIU is just another platform for butthurt pussyhat sore losers democrats who can't handle the real world. Take your safety pin and go hide in your safe space.

There is more discussion about politics around here than growing weed. And I'm 100 percent sure you can't even grow some lettuce.
Bro someone found your credit card. Please have your carer retrieve it and take you back inside your burrow.

It is like unbelievable. He did more in the first week than your Kenyan, spender in chief, president in 8 years.
I know I'm in the politics section you stupid morons. No wonder you idiots lost the elections.

Just sayin stop spamming the politics section. Every time I look for the new posts I see more threads about politics this idiot started. Politics should not be part of this forum. Go cry on twitter or Facebook.

It is easy to be hero here because riu is infested with pussyhats like you and you know you will be supported. If you really, really wanted to discuss I dare you to go to breibart. I double dare you.


You safetypin pussyhats lettuce growers are really, really delusional. How many of you against me here. I'm just one person debating how many of you and I'm still winning.