kushner lied about billion dollar loans from soros and goldman sachs

lying about his contacts with russians on his security clearance form was a felony that carries 5 years in federal prison.

not sure what penalty lying about his loans from JEWS and INTERNATIONAL BANKERS carries.

but you know. laws are for little people.

Is Jared Kushner Jewish?
Unclebuck u r the most Despicable person around here. Leave the politics for the corrupt democrats u pussyhat and start growing some weed. Or in ur case some lettuce.

you upset or something?

there's no need to be upset. except for the fact that the administration you voted for is the most corrupt, felonious, and lying group of racists we've ever seen in the white house.
RIU is just another platform for butthurt pussyhat sore losers democrats who can't handle the real world. Take your safety pin and go hide in your safe space.

There is more discussion about politics around here than growing weed. And I'm 100 percent sure you can't even grow some lettuce.