Kushdaddy's 2x4 Grow


Well-Known Member
so i had some setbacks with a spidermite infestation that pushed back my 8x8 grow out almost 2 months from scheduled run time. While im getting the big grow sorted out ive decided to take my mothers and flower them out in my 2x4 tent. ive been trying to breed some ladybugs for a little preventative measure. I built a house for them and hung it inside the tent. I put them in about a week ago to get aclimated to theire new home before i get the plants in there. Im running a black russian, master kush, gorrilla glue, and girl scout cookies.20190516_084651.jpg 20190516_084623.jpg


Well-Known Member
Put all 4 plants into the ladybug room, connected my pulse one and started flower today. 20190516_202544.jpg 20190516_202552.jpg had to put a screen over the end of the cooltube because the ladybugs were flying inside the light.