kush tea


Well-Known Member
listen if your going to make a tea steep your bud in a shot of alcohol first then add that to a cup of tea, it works very well. check this recipe out Hot Toddy recipe add a chamomile teabag and presto, the best possible way to make a tea seeing as how thc is not water soluble but HIGHLY soluble in alcohol


Active Member
yeah alchohol is the best way to make the tea. Put say like a quarter to an ounce of bud in a coffee grinder, and grind into a fine powder. Next, get a glass jar, and put the powdered bud in it along with the highest proof alcohol that you can get (everclear, 151 rum) otherwise you can just use say vodka. So pour in enough psychology for the bud to be completely soaking in it. Put the cap on the jar.

There are now two ways to do it:

You can place this jar in a dark closet for 1-3 weeks

but if you are really pressed for time- then find a way to heat the alchocol + bud mixture without starting a fire (it is very flammable and dangerous). One way to go about doing this relatively safely is to pour the contents of the jar into a bowl/pot and use a double boiler. A double boiler is a larger pot with water in it thats boiling, with a smaller pot/bowl floating on top of the water. This is more safe as the alcohol is further from direct flame. Always have a fan going to ventilate. Heat the mixture for as long as you can- the alchohol should turn very very dark green in color.

You can now use this alcohol in the tea- and it kicks in faster because of the alcohol.


Active Member
1) you need about 3 or more stems. I used 7, but I sold the tea for 10 for a half cup
2) bring stems to a boil, with 3 cups of water and 2 cups of half and half
3) Reduce heat, and simmer for 2 hour
4)strain tea with coffee filters ( I think a wash rag works best though)
5)put back into pot, add reg tea bags to add flavor, let steep for a few minutes
6) add sugar to taste and ur done!
Like I said I sold my tea, so I used 7 ounces, when we drank it it takes about a half hour to feel, but it gives you a real nice body high.
BE ADVISED: this will stink up ur house!


Active Member
I have never tried to make tea with alcohol, I had a friend that did it, the slow way, and she said she could not tell the diffrance bettween just geting drunk, maybe she used too much vodka, I dont know, but she is the reason I wanted to make this recipe, I smoke a lot of weed and itjust seems like a waste to throw away stems, Anyway If you try it and you like it tell me, I would love to know that other people like it too. I took me a few months to save 7 ounces of stems, but it was worth it, to all the people who bouht it


Active Member
i have used OG kush from budmail to make tea before 1.5 grams 6-7 tea cups it was more then enough.i have very high tollarance one n half cups and it gets me lifted for a good 2 n half hours