KUSH... PURE KUSH! Frist grow...


Active Member
hey guys.. this is my frist grow... its about 3weeks old kush... and about week for the pure kush... hope you guys enjoy...



stays relevant.
I get it, it's KUSH. LOL jk! Everything looks really cool. I keep updating pics as it grows. Nice little stone ya got in there too! :P


Active Member
I get it, it's KUSH. LOL jk! Everything looks really cool. I keep updating pics as it grows. Nice little stone ya got in there too! :P
iight... so this journal works... just show pics of your plants as they grow... i see i see.. thanks... ill keep yall updated!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke:session!


Active Member
recently lost the Pure kush plant... due to nute lock... sorry.. but tried my best to revive it... transplant and everything.. root help... etc... but the kush plant is doin fine... almost scared me... but got it back up...recent change my soil to the foxfarm organic soil.. to test it out... for my outdoor plants soon to happen... but yah... back the the subject... i have a new forumal the foxfarm big grow... for the veggie cycle.. i think.. im kinda lost in the cycles sumtimes i just go blank... could sumone clear this up for me??? recent picks right here...



Active Member
idk whats happen... i let my plant go outside.. and i come back a few hours and it has yellow leaves.. and its dying... but i think its dehydration... but i watered it agian... poke sum holes in the soil.. for the air... any other suggestions? here are sum pics...
