Kush BagSeed/First Grow in Stealth Box CFL's


Active Member
i've been wanting to grow a few plants in a stealthy box for a while so on tuesday night i had three bagseeds of kush that cracked open after spending 24hours in a moist paper towel. one was knocked over while in soil today so i only have two seeds right now. attached are pictures of my setup and the seeds in their soil. i put them in soil around 1am wednesday under 3 cfl's (40watts each). now in the grow box i have 10 cfls (about 4 of the 23w and 6 of the 40w. the grow box is about 3.5 ft tall 3ft d and 3ft wide. i got the box from the outside storage department at lowes. my exhaust fan is on top and is an a/c fan from fry's electronics. i am going to make a carbon filter for it this week or next week when i have the chance. on the right hand side of the box is the intake fan area. i painted the inside of the box flat white but i highly suggest anyone else to use mylar or panda film because its really hard to get the paint on this box. oh and i cut all holes with a razor blade...definately need an upgrade haha. hope you guys enjoy following the grow. thanks for inspiring me to grow and giving me tons of helpful info!



Well-Known Member
Very good start..I really like the "storage box" you used..Very stealthy.. Looks like you have everything you need to successfully crop a plant. I recently started growing again, and iam on my 3rd week, so im a little bit ahead of you. but from what i see your gunna do just fine!.. Where did you get your light's at? And ive never used CFL's before so i know nothing about them other than there good from growing pot :) .
So, when you buy the light's, do they come with like the plug that plugs into the light and into the wall outlet?? Like how is it done man? Im thinking about switching to CFL's if i get informed how to set them up and how there done and what i need to buy...?


Active Member
i bought my cfl's at lowes. i didn't want to have to wire too much so i bought workers lamps from lowes and removed the outer metal cover and used the sockets for the cfl lights. if you look at the top of the box you can see i cut holes and epoxied the light sockets into it.

P.S i forgot to mention that i am going to try the SCROG method on this also since the box is so small

thanks for the input!:peace:


Well-Known Member
the SCROG method is a good method when you have limited space..and you do.. So go for it...Just go purchase some sort of wire...(chickenwire works good) and place it inbetween your light's and your pots... Id say about 3-5inche's from the light..but make sure there's enough room for the plant to grow...Id also say, est. give the plant 22-30inches to grow. But yes, the SCROG method is a good idea! I have myself thought about switching over to the SCROG (Screen Of Green Method). Reports have it that you get a great yield from this method :):)
Keep us posted with new pix! looking forward to watching the process.