krokodil hits the usa, now your all going to get it.


Well-Known Member
[video][/video] well this sucks , prepare for an onslaught of stereotyping leaking over to pot. another lie for their campaign of ignorance.


Well-Known Member
I know it probably feels good at the moment,but you would have to be really stupid to try this stuff.
scaly skin,flesh eating stuff,just for a high "like" heroin,no thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey, maybe it's a good thing... its like a flesh eating disease that only affects stupid people. Survival of the fittest mane!


Well-Known Member
Hey, maybe it's a good thing... its like a flesh eating disease that only affects stupid people. Survival of the fittest mane!
Its not that simple though. Someone who is addicted to heroin will likely turn to this when they cant afford H. Its not like people will be rationally weighing the consequences. Heroin addiction > intelligence.


I'm Sure most Stoner's wont have to worry about this as a personal matter it will be more of a problem dealing with the tweaker heroin addicts in the cause and effect ripple. I for one am more worried about the effect, aka dealing with the addicts public wise and the more fucked up then normal things they will do speedballing on another level.
Others will say its good to help get rid of the addicts but are not thinking in the long run what fucked up things those new addicts will be doing to innocent people so they can get high long before they OD or die, we already have enough hard drug related crimes and domestic/violent problems with alcohol in the U.S. I'm sure this is not going to help.


Well-Known Member
I'm watching these CNN stories after the drug one, the media sure plays a huge role in driving peoples' fears and inhibiting individuals from thinking for themselves.

Much scarier than yet another bad drug.


Well-Known Member
A new type of marijuana called "kush" has been hitting the streets with up to 20% THC concentration and is often used by children causing delayed development. Even more dangerous are "dabs" which have been reported to cause some people to pass out on the spot.