Kratom? Whats the deal?


Well-Known Member
i saw a live kratom plant for sale and ive read a little about it and hear about people using it... what is it? how does it work? would it just be a cool plant to have? i hear it can help with opioid addiction, how so? i have a friend that is trying to quite... plus its just got a cool fucking name, better than MaryJewWanna lol.

if anybody knows what the deal is with kratom enlighten me please.


Well-Known Member
lol maybe i got krap kratom.. It was only 15 bucks for 20 capsules. Came in a bag like the good ole' spice used to.
maybe it happens... i wont be using it i just want the plant, id be willing to try it but i doubt it would go any further than that. now if it can help my friend that would be a bonus and if people are willing to pay for it that sounds good too. :) but i just want the plant to have the plant, i just like growing things developed a bit of the green thumb for the exotic and average, but im cheap too, so i mostly collect whats free or whats a good deal and rare.


Well-Known Member
lol maybe i got krap kratom.. It was only 15 bucks for 20 capsules. Came in a bag like the good ole' spice used to.
if you puked and felt like shit, you probably did too much. Or it might have been bunk... I wouldn't buy it from a headshop, or a place selling "legal highs"... but, I always have kratom on deck... do it every week once or twice and enjoy it. it's cheaper, and way healthier than opiate pharms. I have a buddy that snorts around 10-15 roxy 30's a day, and when he doesn't have any... 5 grams of good bali will keep him not dopesick, and even a little buzz he says. I even do more than 5grams, and I'm not addicted to opiates anymore... but when I was, I snorted about 1-1.5 grams of oxycodone each day.... so my tolerance is permafucked. Although I'm not currently addicted to opiates anymore. that struggle ended over 2 years ago cold turkey.

Kratom is worth a try.... Buy some Bali from a good source, such as kratomforest.... and don't take more than 4grams the first time. see how it goes.

It's not super incredible... it's a nice, mild buzz... that I prefer once or twice a week.

kratomconnoisseur is a great forum to learn everything about this complex plant. it's my second favorite staple plant, after the ganja.

anything you want to know, just ask me

Ps: kratom trees take many years to get large enough to produce the goods, and enough leaves for harvest. and they require a tropical climate like indonesia,
thailand etc.

Pss: I have a good buzz goin, sorry for the scatterdness


Well-Known Member
yeah i imagine thay are slow woody growing plants but it still seems like fun im gonna think on it, maybe i will just order some of the product to try with my friend first. thanks for all your help guys!