Oh bikhuk...
I used them for the longest time being drawn in by the $100 kilos. They were great at first. Maybe about a year and a half ago ish? Potency was nothing to complain about, price was good seems as other sites charge you twice the amount. Even bikhuks US buyers.
A buddy and I used Bikhuk for a long time. I stopped once the DEA got on them and made them ship by boat(Is this still a thing?) reason being, two week shipping. This is why I generally stopped using it to begin with, other reason being that I used it for anxiety and stopping caused that to be a little menacing. Nothing some work can't take care of though

My bud ordered a package once and got nothing! No refund, no kilo. Nothing.(800grams technically).
So no more bikhuk.
I just bought a bali strain off of thekratomking.
Skuxx, I love/forget your kratom advice.
Which strains stick out to you? And I'll be looking at those websites you posted.
Got a new job today, went in today after eating some kratom just to loosen up. Great idea! Otherwise I tend to get really really nervous around superiors. Always been a problem for me.
I am thinking about taking some kratom tonight before I go out with some friends to a club or 2, what do you guys think the threshold is for Euphoria/Energy to me just wanting to sit and watch TV?
Edit: Just took 2.5 grams of powder
Depends on you man, I normally ingest anywhere from 7-35 grams through alcohol or just eating or caps. If I just woke up in the morning, or want to go do things, I usually just do a kratom shot. But some days I'll take ten caps instead(This bali honestly makes me feel like I took a couple percs or something.. Jesus).
Haven't been messing around with it much, but I can say you can comfortably gauge your dosaging without having a bad time. Just pace. Bring it with you! Go to the bathroom with a drink and toss n wash or just do it right there. Take caps in secrecy. Keep a flask of kratom shots.. xD You'll figure it out. I have had a couple bad experiences, but only in my earlier days of using. For awhile I couldn't even catch a buzz(bad kratom maybe). One time at first I fell asleep in the bathroom at work because I had just.. OVERDONE it the night before. Then took more in the morning. Not even that much, but man. I fell asleep in the bathroom. No one noticed, I was only out for 10min. But good god that was a.. Hazy.. Experience.