kp gets her feet wet....


Well-Known Member
w-ell, we had a power outage, and had to get an electrician to come in. we moved the bush outside and threw a tarp over them.... stress stress stress!!!

wacky lighting during that time, stress stress stress...

had to keep them in an empty bucket for that time.... stress stress stresss???

they're back in now, and re'setup, but my timer burnt out, putting lights on time three hours behind, wacky lighting schedule, stress stress stress!!!!

on the bright side, i got yet ANOTHER 400w hps :D so i'm running 1200 right now.... i'm considering bringing the 1000w out of the basement. if it werent' for the blasted heat...(not air cooled)

n e way, that's the long and short, pix as soon as i can get back down there....

love, kp


Active Member
Kp I started my girls on 12/12 one week ago, I'm growing eight in my DYI aero system and Ten more in soil.
The size difference between the two groups is crazy, the Aeroponics is far
more bushy ( not like those shrubs that you're growing, but bushy still. )
And also they are far more healthy and vigorous all the way round than my
plants that are in soil. ( exact same nutes in both groups )
Thanks for the great tips.
Best regards, Danny.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Hey kp, all of that stuff you call stressful won't bother your plants much if you just talk to them softly, and assuredly whenever you are moving them.

Actually, just thinking good thoughts is all that's needed, but they like to hear your voice, too.

Just tell them it's like a stormy day, without the rain. They always buy it. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about the hickup. glad to hear you are getting back on track. your bush looks awesome! peace


Well-Known Member
I got some mixed fem seeds from a online seed store and the polant i am currently flowering has those white tipped style buds? is this dreasm godess or are there many strains that have similar atributes? could yu pm me details on dg aswell tar

j from the uk:peace:


Well-Known Member
I got some mixed fem seeds from a online seed store and the polant i am currently flowering has those white tipped style buds? is this dreasm godess or are there many strains that have similar atributes? could yu pm me details on dg aswell tar

j from the uk:peace:
almost all of my indicas look like that halfway through. white hairs are normal, you know it's time to check trich's when the hairs start turning red/brown/orange.



Well-Known Member
i just finished this 26 page marathon but i couldn't stop reading. i can't even imagine the kind of yield you'll get.

after seeing these most recent pix, i'm having flashbacks of the little shop of horrors production i worked on. is your bush/monster a cousin of Audrey II?:mrgreen:


thats some heavy lighting for what, three plants?!?

plants are looking wonderful (despite a bit of damage on the older leaves at the bottom, they look a bit weary, lol) especially with having had all that stress

what kind of propagator is that kp? look like one you make yourself!


Well-Known Member
thats some heavy lighting for what, three plants?!?

plants are looking wonderful (despite a bit of damage on the older leaves at the bottom, they look a bit weary, lol) especially with having had all that stress

what kind of propagator is that kp? look like one you make yourself!
yep, it's some heavy lighting for some heavy plants! only three in one bucket, but there's hundreds of budsites!! the canopy is about 4 feet in diameter, and they are almost four feet tall. the lighting is necessary to hit everything, this is a monster shrub, not a single branchy plant. the second hps i laid on a bench for side lighting, to light all of the inner branches.

the leaf damage is from the blasted commie bastard spidermites. i'm going to neem tonite.



fucking mites

you know those fungus gnats?

after harvesting over a week ago, they're still flying all over my place....