New Member
just dont talk to me like that ok ?Don't worry Fab. I prob talk worse than any sailor you ever heard!
just dont talk to me like that ok ?Don't worry Fab. I prob talk worse than any sailor you ever heard!
Take it easy man...ahhhight fellas! im out! till tomorrow! later!
LMAO! It sure is addicting ain't it...maaaaaaaaaaaaan! i juz cant get off this betch! lmfao
who no drinkng ?fumbles hella cool! dont trip fab!lol @kmksrh~same man! just no drinking!!lmao
fuck u too my friendFab is stupid dont listen to him he is worthless hahahahahah fu you fab
fuck u too my friend
have u been drinking or excessively smoking?
I wuv uAnd Kotton long time no see fucker but im back on have been for awhile and i see ive missed good things
Im glad you got something something going looks real nice buddy! Ever thought about that bamboo fence shit so you could just staple it to your wooden fence then you wouldn't have to tie them down ive seen a few people on here doing that that and car ports are sicko!!! I missed all you fuckers a lot my thread always free ta chat and blaze on pm me some time!
bro u got me worried now please pm me okI hope this girl is green otherwise run brother! And its not hard to find you with that big mouth of yours ohhhh burnYour lucky im on the other side of the country of i would have to out fish your ass! Sry im in a weird mood tonight fab is one of my best and closets friends on here and he's the shit. And i wouldn't suggest poking him with a stick i can get away with it cuz we are both grizzly bears and we have a mutual respect for each other i do it out of love and he knows it. Im bored whats everyone doing tonight? Whats the subject or is this not a smoking spot? Where are the spots at these days?