Kottonmouths Chernobyl Single Cola's Grow

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
so im out doin yard work& throw open yard waste can-theres the gdp male i tossed last sun! Still growin!cupl broken leaves,but sum bitch didnt die!il put a pic of it!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
SUNP0012.jpgSUNP0014.jpgSUNP0015.jpgSUNP0018.jpgSUNP0010.jpgSUNP0016.jpgSUNP0009.jpgSUNP0013.jpgSUNP0007.jpgSUNP0011.jpgSUNP0008.jpgSUNP0017.jpghere we go-some pics thru the new camera.what a pain in the fuking arse! some good,some not.gota learn how to use the damn thing! gonna bring'em inside in the morning to get group photo. tried to get pics to show the chernobyls already gettin frosty. the pics that are of bushier plants are the dominas,the rest are the chernobyl clones.the 3 in cup domes are domina clones


Well-Known Member
Yea the pics are blurry =) but some of those pics you can see some trichs pretty damn good. What i try to do is not zoom in with the camera just put the lense pretty close hold steady and when it focuses just right i take the picture. buts thats my camera lol lucky it has a auto focus lol

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
male.jpgballast.jpgc1.jpgc2.jpgc3.jpghere is some more pics i took with my phone.all chernobyl clones, 1 of the gdp male i pulled 1week ago and is still alive in my yard waste can.with no light . also the ballast i got and forgot to post a pic of last time. thats about it till more pics!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
on another note, 1st domina clone had fat root growin out bottom of jiffy cup,so put it in a cont.. The other 2 are bigger cuts-glad about that.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i came up on about a lb. Of cheese trim.got bout 1/4lb nugs,&sifted the rest. Got 6.9 g keef that im pressing into a puck now! Got pics of new sifter to.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
went to the shed to grab my clones,& soon as open door the smell hits me! Lemons& deisel fuel(best way to describe it ) SUBCOOL'S CHERNOBYL KIKS ASS! Gawd i love this strain!


Well-Known Member
Im really interested in Subcool strains, that plush berry pheno looks beast i've grown JTR but thats the only subscool strain.