Kottonmouths Chernobyl Single Cola's Grow

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
milly! Wow man,good to see u here! The domina moms were low odor,&even after crossing them w/stinky strain; low odor.sqeeze nug&smell lilskunky. Chernobyls have smalled since day1. They were Clones taken@harvest!


Well-Known Member
Well it looks green and healthy but leaves drooping, Yh it's in a dome but today was the first day I sprayed the leaves so that should help...

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Thank u incog negro.means alot man! A/b,i takes me like 2wks to see roots. They droop,they yellow,just dont let them wilt.keepem warm,&i only mist my dome really.keepem moist,not wet.make them root to find water.they can get lazy if u mist leaves. Every1 will have ther way&opinion tho-

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Dwn load a pic to my page.i cant do flicker or any of those things with my phone tho.maybe just put an attachment i can open.id like to see!


Well-Known Member
Do they, ok that's cool then il just keep them in good conditions and see what happens.. Cheers for the help man! I would do but I'm going out, il post some tomorrow if that's cool take a look see what ya think... Laters man


Well-Known Member
Good morning kmk! Ok well here's my clone 4 days after I cut it... Is it dead coz it's looking pretty fucked to me lol a few opinions would be great!35f51509.jpg35f51509.jpg

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
im no pro-but it looks to green to be dead. Id cut them big leaves in 1/2,keep em warm&moist.dont give up yet.aslong as they dont get crispy,id hold out. Nice&green tho!


Well-Known Member
Sweet cheers man I have some hope now lol il keep it till it completely fucks up! Cheers for lettin me post pics on ur thread... Hows the co2 going??

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
a/b- where u from? Not the states,huh? To bad,id love to hook u up w/some of my domina seeds. I crossed mine last yr& these doms are smellin' skunky!


Well-Known Member
My mother plant is Under 12/12 for about a week now and I cut my clone and put it under the same light coz I only have one grow space. So the clone is under 12/12 which I no isn't good but more of an experiment than anything else! Yh afraid not buddy I'm from the big uk lol otherwise I also would love some of your seeds coz ur plants look well good!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
what i do is....my lights go off@9am. I get home1pm.i pull clone/sout & bring inside&put under sm. Flouro(18" t8) or cfl untill 9pm wen lights come bak on. That keeps'em @ 18 -20 on.


Well-Known Member
Yh I cant do that Iv got nowhere outside to put it... U sound like uv got a good system tho! If it doesn't work I'm not bothered il just cut one right at the end! How much are all ur plants stinking then? U got a carbon filter...

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i grow in my shed,thats why i say i bringem inside to put under flourosenct light. My doms only smell when messed with or watered. The chernobyl clones were taken @harvest,so they smelled from beginning. All my neighbors grow,no carbon filter. Co2 stinks tho!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
are u in a closet? Ur pic looks similar to my cab! Right to the green tub/tray the plants are in. My doms took 2wks to show flowers. Interested to see how long till urz shows!


Well-Known Member
she has 2 buds size of a sm. gumball and 2 leaves! about 2 in. tall/ kinda cute and pathetic at same time !!!!
I think you already know you are doing stellar, but I'll repeat it b/c I must :clap: these next couple of weeks will be awesome for you.


Well-Known Member
i agree the next couple weeks are gonna be the BOMB! been real busy and i emptyed my inbox for ya Kmk so if u need to pm me go for it =) just checked my email and i seen where my inbox was full =). Anywho like mane said you know your plants are beautiful =)