kosher kush and white berry


Well-Known Member
just put two seeds in paper towels today. kosher kush from reserva privada and white berry from paradise. there gonna be grown indoor under some t5s for about a month or until there big enough to be put in the ground outside. also depends on the weather and how quick it warms up around here. i would use my 400w MH, but i only have one ballast and its being used to finish off my blue venom and the mazar.


Well-Known Member
well they sprouted just fine. both of them within 48 hours. planted them in a soil mix of basic seed starter soil, some of the soil from the ground they will be planted in, and a dash of FF ocean forrest just cuz i had a little left in the bottom of the bag that needed to get used up. there both doing just fine hanging out in the closet under some t5s. ill put em outside in just a few weeks probably. maybe mid-late may. whenever it stops getting too cold at night. no nutrients yet maybe next week ill start giving them half strength. ill be using fox farms trio as always.


Well-Known Member
Moved them into the tent under a 400w MH. I should probably attach the XL wings I have for that cool tube and direct some more light down. Started on half strength ff last week. Probably gonna be a few more weeks before I put them outside. It got down to 37 degrees Fahrenheit last night so im just gonna wait for it to warm up a little more



Well-Known Member
Ok its been a few weeks and they are out side now. The kosher kush seems to be having some difficulty though. Going by the folded up leaves it looks to me like it might be a magnesium thing but im not sure. I have some grandmas molasses I might try and give it. Dont really know why one is acting up and not the other. You would think being in the same soil they would both be giving me the same problems. The stalkier one with the fatter indica style leaves is the white berry and the other plant with the stick in it for support is the kosher.



Well-Known Member
White Berry..... may be the best I've grown. Great taste and potent. I'll definitely grow that again.‼
Looks good. :-D


Well-Known Member
White berry growing nice and strong and healthy. The kosher isnt growing nearly as vigorous as I was anticipating. The top down view shows the leaves still coming out all lime green and folded up hotdog style. Tested the soil last week. The ph is fine at a solid 6. Dont know where to go with it. Little more mg next watering maybe.

