Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints

I'm up off those Arabaca beans....

Not that old,from 05.Its still hot though


what up playas lol, i havent had much time but ima give some of the vids a listen tonight. glad everyone stopped in, hope everybody is is all good.
whats up everyone? bloodshot, i was feeling all those vids. thanks for the knowledge on the beat mining. me and my boy used to fuck around with some of that shit but we were ghetto with loops on a little cheap ass casio. i would love to have some of that equipment just to learn and fuck around with.
the monche shit was fire, especially the my life shit....one of my favorites of all time. some of styles verses give me goosebumps in that song. big up to the oc shit too. a lot of young cats dont know bout the legendary cat oc.
doc put up the ice cube shit. that was my favorite tape after nwa broke up and cube brought the fire with that. i played that tape over and over and my dad hated it lol.
dots nice post on the peedi and beans shit. peedi cracks me up. oh yeah its too bad the boys wont see vick im sure they would love to put him out before the playoffs haha. actually id just like to see djax blown the fuck up lls.:mrgreen:
don feeling that chiddy bag cut mos def, has an ole wu feel to the beat. i say that a lot haha. the sway stuff was hot and gives me a look into whats up across the pond.

hope all have a great new years. im still fuming after yahoo gave me a 1 point win for the championship in fantasy football and 3 days later give the other dude a few points on stat corrections for the championship......wtf bullshit...i have never had a championship end that way. also don dont know if u have ever heard of the dirty sanchez dudes but they are like the uk jackass. i bought a video of theirs and i was blown away. they do some crazy ass shit and are funny as hell. i had seen their show on mtv a few years ago but it was nothing like the movie. keep the vids coming i got some lined up too. peace!!!:peace::peace::peace:
sup koosh hope you had a good one man. what a rip in the championship man. surely they have to award you the 3 points?

yeah ive seen those sanchez boys live at a music festival it was gross. its jackass but without the budget haha man after youve seen a guy get pulled over skateboard grip on his bare ass then doused in salt and vinegar....

im still feeling it from nye.
sup koosh hope you had a good one man. what a rip in the championship man. surely they have to award you the 3 points?

yeah ive seen those sanchez boys live at a music festival it was gross. its jackass but without the budget haha man after youve seen a guy get pulled over skateboard grip on his bare ass then doused in salt and vinegar....

im still feeling it from nye.
yeah i had to recover all day yesterday don lol. it sucked because wednesday morning i was declared the champion after winning by 1 point but a couple of days later yahoos stat trackers said they messed up and they gave his guy 3 more points, so he won and my points stayed the same. wtf that is some second rate shit. i have never won a fantasy game with them changing the stats 3 days later. i have had the points change the next day a couple of points for a tackle or something....oh well what can u do. i took a mediocre 8-5 team into the playoffs and whooped all the top dogs....everyone was pissed hahahaha.

as for the dirty sanchez boys. they liposuctioned fat out of the little short fat ones body and the other dude drank it. its one of the first times ive truly been grossed out and almost couldnt look. the one dude also cut the tip of his finger off and the other dude picked it up and tried to eat it. crazy shit, well worth the 3 bucks i paid at big lots for the dvd.
man that blows so you spoken to them by email or is that it? always feels good for the underdog to kick some ass eh.

hahah man those sanchez guys get worse and worse. may nnot be gross but it was funny as hell when they put the little guys head in the D lock and ate the key shit cracks me up just thinking about it.
hey don i emailed em a week or two ago lol, just to vent. seems as though its legal and stats follow nfl official stats and are subject to change up until like thursday of that week or somehting. i have been playing fantasy football since 2000 and i am used to a couple point swing the next day after the last game of the week but i have never lost on a couple point swing 3-4 days later.....oh well im fuckin em up next year lmao.

they fuck with that little guy in dirty sanchez a lot lol.
know its been a while since i posted a vid and hope yall are still out there.
heres the legendary EL-P and cage from the now defunct Def Jux with Oxycontin pt. 2.
This to me is a awesomely produced and performed song....definitely some sick shit....and before cage went to his emo dicksucking shit hahaha.
nice oregon..i got some lean and was swangin and bangin to that shit...j/k. welcome to the thread.
here is some matlock off one of the best albums nobodies probably ever heard. real cat from the chi.
whats up everyone? bloodshot, i was feeling all those vids. thanks for the knowledge on the beat mining. me and my boy used to fuck around with some of that shit but we were ghetto with loops on a little cheap ass casio. i would love to have some of that equipment just to learn and fuck around with.
the monche shit was fire, especially the my life shit....one of my favorites of all time. some of styles verses give me goosebumps in that song. big up to the oc shit too. a lot of young cats dont know bout the legendary cat oc.
doc put up the ice cube shit. that was my favorite tape after nwa broke up and cube brought the fire with that. i played that tape over and over and my dad hated it lol.
dots nice post on the peedi and beans shit. peedi cracks me up. oh yeah its too bad the boys wont see vick im sure they would love to put him out before the playoffs haha. actually id just like to see djax blown the fuck up lls.:mrgreen:
don feeling that chiddy bag cut mos def, has an ole wu feel to the beat. i say that a lot haha. the sway stuff was hot and gives me a look into whats up across the pond.

hope all have a great new years. im still fuming after yahoo gave me a 1 point win for the championship in fantasy football and 3 days later give the other dude a few points on stat corrections for the championship......wtf bullshit...i have never had a championship end that way. also don dont know if u have ever heard of the dirty sanchez dudes but they are like the uk jackass. i bought a video of theirs and i was blown away. they do some crazy ass shit and are funny as hell. i had seen their show on mtv a few years ago but it was nothing like the movie. keep the vids coming i got some lined up too. peace!!!:peace::peace::peace:
lmao,I just seen that.
It dont matter for either team now.I still feel we had a good year.Way better then what I thought the season was gonna be like in the beginning with kolb starting.
lol and them sanchez boys sound fuckin crazy.jackass dont got shit on cutting fingers off and eating them.