Kool-Aid Owns All


Well-Known Member
Pastey's = cottonmouth.

Jesus... You know you're stoned when you can't tell that someone is talking about cottonmouth. hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Pastey's = cottonmouth.

Jesus... You know you're stoned when you can't tell that someone is talking about cottonmouth. hahahaha
sorry never heard it called pasteys in my life.....we just say cottonmouth but i guess you learn something everyday.:hump:


Master of Mayhem
Grape Kool-aid, I be yellin.
Fuck yeah dude!!!!! I found these little packets at Wally World the other day. They are the Sam's choice brand and you just dump them into a 20oz bottle of water. They were cheap as fuck (like 99 cents for the box of 20) and taste JUST like grape Kool-Aid:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i just downed some GREEN fuck ya

ya pasteys are another word for cotton mouth lol cause when you spit...if you can its like a paste


Active Member
Fuck yeah dude!!!!! I found these little packets at Wally World the other day. They are the Sam's choice brand and you just dump them into a 20oz bottle of water. They were cheap as fuck (like 99 cents for the box of 20) and taste JUST like grape Kool-Aid:mrgreen:
No shit? I might have to make a stoned adventure into there..Possibly ride one of them electric wheel chair scooter things..


Well-Known Member
LOL fuck i always try and fake an injury when im super wrecked and ride the scooter but they always get pissed, i think its for fat people


Master of Mayhem
LOL fuck i always try and fake an injury when im super wrecked and ride the scooter but they always get pissed, i think its for fat people
I jumped on one and rode it around the store the whole time I was shopping once. No one ever said a word to me.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You all are way wrong, orange sunkist soda is by far the best for cotton mouth or any time really.