KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Originally Posted by konagirl420
Whatever you have no clue what I have been through in the last 9 years with 4 brain injuries man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have me on so many damn pills I fucking hate them all, they say try this it might help.....nope it doesn't so they say try this one, nope it doesn't help either................all I want is to smoke my pot in peace and never have another guy take advantage of my kindness or damamaged brain................k I guess I was just too nice to people in the past and thats why they took advantage of me lol well no more !!!

Originally Posted by doctorD
I have had 5 operations on my back and smoke to relive the pain associated with all that. The doctor had me on so much Vicoden I was like a zombie. I hated it. I dont take them at all now. Smoking is it for me.

I love hearing how the herb helps you guys. It contradicts all those fools who keep saying "Marijuana has no medicinal value." Fucking idiots lol

i'm glad it helps people in pain..
i just smoke to relax..

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