KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Great update girl. I don't know why, but I especially like the 2nd to last pic. Beautiful topping. Beautiful top? You topped it beautifully. Am stoned...
LMFAO Fumble I will have to tell you the`story about that plant hahaahahaha that is the male Funky Munkie heheehehehehe from seed from Hawaii ...... hahahaha !!!!!!!!! Beast of a plant gotta see what we can breed him with lol gonna let Kaptain work on that or TWS hehehe!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
You can post pics of my beast please tAke some cuts and then transplant and flip that bitch be careful with her though please lol damn we gotta get you some real nutrients now....... Fuckin salty nuts are no bueno
Tell Tws to do it I can't right now and I can't do it at your spot because ur movin and also because we don't have a quarantine set up
Heheheheehe k, if he doesn't wan't him I'll just chop em lol hahahahaha bye bye Funky Munkie lol too bad was good smoke oh well ;)
Well here is what I have been doing today making sure no bugs are anywhere near me or my babies !!! Thanks for everything my Kaptain after I smoke a bowl I am gonna transplant 'yo mama' ;)

Hahahaha by the way just so everyone does not jump on me lol I know that shit is not done hahahahaha it kinda broke off hahahahaha and what the hell might as well dry it and smoke it right ?????? It is the plant that is furthest along hehehehe the um fake afghan LMFAO ;)
Hehehe yep and also some roots hahaha Kapt and my other boy have been trying to convert me, but I am quite stubborn sometimes LMFAO who knew ;)
005.jpg004.jpgHey Kaptain here is 'Yo Mama' hehehehee before transpalant of course lol, but I figured I would post some pics now while I took a quick break ;)


"YO MAMA" afgooey x appalachia (green crack x tres dawg).... big, bold, and beautiful.... just like your mama... using two amazing proven breeding partners this one is all about extreme trichome production. they look like lime green crystal wish mountains and smell of apple spice, skittles, carmel, and lemon balm. deep warm zonking body high bear hug with a happy heavy head... 9 weeks floweing
Well Ffof was always good to me but I notice 2-3x the growth rate in roots it's aerated better and the coco has helps I think yo mama lookin sexy that's mah beast
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