KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Ever since I took concerta for add/ADHD my appetites been gone only green gets me hungry same thing bongs only yours seems worse it comes and goes sometimes. I eat really right I cook almost all my own meals and the ones I don't I try and eat healthy. I'm just super picky how my food is prepared. I love all kinds of shit but it's gotta be cooked just so. Lol I'm a weirdo.
same here, i never have an appetite. its rare only when im super stoned on a pure sativa i get super hungry. i do eat but only because i make myself. other wise eating never interests me or my body. it could be psychological cuz i used to weight like 60 pounds more than i do now. im trying to eat now and its ok. just wish i had a real meal, no food to make either. but thats ok i can cook some soup.


Well-Known Member
Here is my baby my matanuska thunder fuck hahahaha (that by the way I paid for fair and square) anyways
my boy Kaptain Kron bent my bitch for me ;) and here is our show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and I took my first clone from her, but there will be many more!!!




Well-Known Member
Joey, you have no idea how much that means to me ;) You are an awesome friend and mean more than you can know!!!!!! All I ever want to do, is keep learning and gaining knowledge and with all my friends at doggies nuts I have found not just acceptance, but also family!!!!!!!!!!! You guys rock, Kev and I have known each other for a while now and he is such a generous guy, 0calli is always willing to help and he keeps me laughing, I love my grandma Bluejeans and I know her and Mamapug can do some serious cooking hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kaptainkron you are an awesome person inside and out and I am about to post the pics of my bitch you bent for me hehehehe LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bongs you saved my life in more ways than one hahahaha and Hr you are great, so are you MAtt rize and April, girl thanks so much for your support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I am forgetting a ton of people ( i am so sorry, I appriciate you all), but my point is thanks everyone for everything I could not have done it witout my riu family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chocolate Chunk Pot Cookies - Have one and pass the plate :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Oh no shit cool. Wish I could puff with you guys but I am to far away.

Why does that name gopedxr sound familiar? Guessing I have seen him around the forums? Even if you didn't know that be fucked to call you stupid. I am sure you did know but its not like everyone is a expert grower and knows all this stuff. But I can tell you know the difference between reg and fem seeds.

Ya its funny how things turn out. Like I said I got hit by a car and that led me to meeting the girl of my dreams. Unfortunately because of the situation we can't be with each other now, Maybe, Hopefully someday. But where we both are at in our lives right now its just not possible. I couldn't really have a relationship with anyone right now. Things are just to chaotic. I wouldn't be a good boyfriend and if I am going to be with someone I want to be there for that person. To be a good man and the best boyfriend possible. And since right now I couldn't I am going to stay away from getting into a relationship. I hope someday we can be together. We keep in touch thou. She is the ex I was talking about that I sent a card to and bought a stuffed animal for.

Hahahaha sounds like my emotions lol!!!! Hehehehe ya we all have a fun time and smoke out and can handle our shit hehehehehe we all know who is trust worthy and who is like a spidar mite hahahaha ;) No not everyone is an expert, but some people want to learn and some people want to act like they know it all already and don't know anything but what other people have told them and have no real experiance lol ;) anybody who knows anything about growing know you alway are learning something new ALWAYS!!!!!!!! Man keep dreaming and your dreams will come true;) I did hehehehe and it is only gonna get better from here!! I love my life and my friends and yes when I don't have my meds it can be scary, but most of all just don't lie to me and I am just fucking fine and a big teddy bear!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ever since I took concerta for add/ADHD my appetites been gone only green gets me hungry same thing bongs only yours seems worse it comes and goes sometimes. I eat really right I cook almost all my own meals and the ones I don't I try and eat healthy. I'm just super picky how my food is prepared. I love all kinds of shit but it's gotta be cooked just so. Lol I'm a weirdo.
Hehehe trust me you are not a weirdo hehehe people ask me about my eating habits all the time lol
ya my friends think im on meth or crack. im like no never ever i dont even drink alcohol.except once in a while. but i do have a friend who i drink with now sometimes lol. also my gma keeps bugging me to go to the doctor but i dont want to. maybe i should. maybe i do have something wrong. but i doubt it. i think im just weird and different lol.

anyways those cookies! OMG i cant wait to make some butter with my pure bud im harvesting in feb. should be good. i love doin edibles. i do a lot with trim, oil, hash, kief and butter/oil. i love cooking also. i know so many recipes in my head. i can cook almost anything. just give me the ingredients and tell me what you like and ill prepare it. apetizer, main course and desert. i love making deserts. but i have no body to cook for here but myself so i dont bother spending 20$ on food for a meal if im only going to eat it.
Who takes sick people to hospitals.
a kickass friend like kona does!!!! as long as your nice and honest shes a great friend a great person. i know this. heheh. well i guess that goes for most people. none of my old friends would take me to the hospital, they would take me and drop me off at the front door and drive off.


Weed Modifier
Beautiful Kona !!!...I luv it! so many pics it fills my screen hahaha ... scrog

Bluejeans Thanks for the cooooookies...they look yum yum yummy ....you sure no how to tease one's appetite ;) now I'm hungry haha


Well-Known Member
Thanks Grandma for the cookies very soon I will have my own car instead of a rental and I can drive there and eat them freash yay and yummy and yes boys I am very loyal guys just get mad when they relaized they fucked up hahahaha and you know we do it big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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