KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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35 percent thc was either a typo or a way to catch uninformed patients.. it just doesnt happen.... 20-25% is the present max of most high potency strains... then you have concentrates .... If your basing all your facts off of a harborside study.. you my friend ... are an idiot! :)
Totally agree with you alotofball!!! So glad I have my boys out here in the desert with me ;)
Oh man someone get rid of the pain lol -_- I feel like i just got worked over with a tube sock full of soap. Ug fuckin physical therapy sucks lol but I'd probably be worse off if I didn't go -_- sure doesn't feel like it though

Kaptain I know that pain all too well. I had to do lots of physical therapy after getting hit by that car. Not only that but before I was hit by a car I had 3 surgery's two of the major. Pain is a way of life for me now. If I am not in pain now adays that's when I worry something is wrong. Isn't that sad? To know I am normal and all is well I have to be in pain. Really sucks but I have learned to live with it over the years.

But yeah physical therapy does suck. And sometimes it can make things worse like surgery does sometimes.

Hehehehe body shots could be fun hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just picked up some vodka hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

BRB on my way to the liquor store lol

Hey Kona I should be putting 3 of the seeds I germinated in dirt tomorrow. Can't wait. So far the Afgani has not cracked. I really hope it does.
Oh lord lol fail to the fullest gonna have to get a mod in here for real now you can't be talkin shit like that bro just cause your wrong about somthin.
alotta u must be talking about ur self!! :) hahahaha lmao its not from harborside i got the afpak!! lmao ahahahhha

Come on man seriously. Have some respect for Kona. I understand you and a few others have problems but could you please go take it somewhere else. Go to another thread and argue. I really don't feel like reading post after post of people bashing each other. I am here to see Kona's grow not to watch people argue back and forth.
im sorry kratose foreal i just want to let people know that there are bud over 25 and cavier espically? anyone tried this

I have smoked many of buds in my time but never cavier. I am guessing with a name like cavier its high end stuff.

Oh guys, check this out. I had a interview yesterday with Advanced Nutrients. I did the interview about there new BaddAss HID bulbs. It went very well. Was the first interview I have ever done but it went very well. I should have
the post with the interview up sometime next week. And I don't mean interview job wise. I was interviewing them about there new product for my blog post.

And I think I told you guys, I got the go ahead to feature Urban Grower on my blog. And I did a post I think Monday about Remo's interview with Soma. Soma had a run in with the police. They tried to take his weed.

If anyone is interested in reading it you can find that post here. http://cannabis-country.blogspot.com/2011/12/police-try-to-take-somas-medical.html
Rofl bro u have any idea what your talking about. Caviar as its spelled in reference to cannabis is honey buds. It's a new name for it to sell it to idiots like you lol. It's overpriced dirt weed covered in honey oil to make it potent and then hey proceed to rip u off lol. Yea man we've all smoked herb that was so covered you couldn't see any green lol my agent orange was like that and it was fucked up rofl. Your insistence that you respect Kona and kratos is laughable as you sit here and tell my friend her thread is nothing. You need a good kick to the eteeth with a temp ban or something. You have a serious respect problem.
ahahhaa u need to smoke better weed!! the nug was covered n thc like the chernobyl on the frostiest thread u my friend kona is losing it ;)

ahaha alota its not from harborside idiot!!!! rofl!!!!!!

kona ur thread is nothing :) ! hahhaahaah

mate no offence, but if you think Konas thread is indirectly Shite, then y not troll somewhere else, oops, i mean post according to u.

ahahhaa u need to smoke better weed!! the nug was covered n thc like the chernobyl on the frostiest thread u my friend kona is losing it ;)ahaha alota its not from harborside idiot!!!! rofl!!!!!!kona ur thread is nothing :) ! hahhaahaah
KUShSOurSMOKEr I am going to spell your name just like you so you get my point loud and clear k... My thread is something otherwise you would not be here k, that is all I am going to say right now, because if I say anymore you are not going to like it!!!!! I am going to smoke my bong and take a shot, chill out or leave k!!!!!!
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