KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Well-Known Member
naw they have neverrrrr had anything over 21 percent ! but one day they had sour flower 35 percent ..they have neevr had anything over
.its funny u dont beleive this...this is accurate n was years ago lol
the fact u think im not up on my weed game just cuz i have 300 post is funny to me

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Has nothin to do with your 300 posts and the fact u think it does is ignorant it has to do with the fact I know people who test two or three times a month here and in Colorado. The two biggest states for testing and yet nothing legit over 25% it has nothin to do wih you or your post count brotha.


Well-Known Member
I ain't gonna argue with u bro ..n the fact u think its ignorant is just stupid. Ok well I've smoked shit well over 25 tested las don't mean shit


Well-Known Member
I ain't gonna argue with u bro ..n the fact u think its ignorant is just stupid. Ok well I've smoked shit well over 25 tested labs don't mean shit

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
If labs don't mean shit where is your bud tested. You wanted to turn this into something it wasn't saying its about how many posts you have. Lol I don't have time for ignorance and people who don't wanna look at facts. It's all over the net it's a well known fact man. You've never had anything over 25% and u would be lucky to get 25% from someplace like harborside. Wheres the lab report for the bud u smoked. I don't even think I could find a report of bud bein 35% that was falsified.

You made it personal it was nothin against you to begin with man but your in my friends thread shootin misinformation around. Then takin it personal like its an attack against you because you only have 300 posts. That's sad man.


Well-Known Member
naw fuck that u dont no shit now u trippen talkin bout theres no bud over 25 step yo tree game up u probably never even smoked cavier before lol thats sad man .

its personal now ??? hahahah just over weed ur funny as fuck!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Wow lol tell me to step my tree game up do u have a clue who your talking to bro? My shit puts most anything you find in a clinic to shame lol I didn't bring it up before because it's no about my bud but now u wanna make it about my bud lol show me any pic u got of some trees you grew and I'll show you a pic that will put it to shame. I don't care about size I'm talkin about quality, trichomes production. after I see pics of your highly touted bud and I get a good laugh I'll put you on ignore so your petty bullshit doesn't crowd up my friends grow thread. I took nothin personal until you told me to step my tree game up. That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time man. I shoulda gotten it tested but I didn't feel like takin a fuckin fat bag of bud from my micro grow to fuckin find out what I already know and what everyone who's seen it and smoked it has said. I'll tell you right now it was pushing 20% if not over. I don't need to get it tested to know that because I've seen bud tested at 20% that was fire fuckin fire and my shit made it look like child's play. The grower that grew it told be so himself as he choked out on a fat bowl of my bud.

Shit every single one of your pics is blurrier than shit I couldn't even see trichs on em if I wanted to. all you can tell is that you got a nice sized bush anyone can grow a beaster. Not everyone can grow dank.

Keep it green man don't take the facts so hard. Also when the truth hurts don't lash out at a fellow grower who was only trying to help keep you informed and thirdly, you should look before you speak on other peoples bud man your rude and for absolutely no reason. You need to take this shit elsewhere or to pm.


Well-Known Member
*sweet. its a cock-fight.. 5inchs FTW!? ;)

..just to make it clear, im the #1 Asshole.. aiight??

..carry on.. lmfao

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha yes ding ding ding wiz ftw as the ref who comes in and stomps heads just for fun lol

Fuckin wiz hahahaha

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
And I never said u didn't have the real ATF I love how u take everything out of context. Maybe you need to study the English language a little better watch who your calling a faggot man because you just earned yourself a report. Go back to college or somthing man take an English class about context of sentences and sentence structure it may help you understand that people Aren't calling you names or insulting you or saying you don't have somthing. Someone can remain skeptical of somthin until proof is seen especially with somthing as rare as true ATF and MTF. I also am still waiting on your report of thc content and CBd for the 35% strain u still haven't posted it, and that's because it's not there and you know it. I never said u never had Afpak lol I actually said Afpak was a gnarley strain and quite good.

I also never said your Apollo didn't smell dank lol I didn't even bring your herb into it until you wanted to start talkin shit about mine lol And when I go to look at your fuckin pics again they are all weak as fuck and blurrier than my vision when I put on my grandmas glasses to fuck around lol. You got no foot to stand on here and your making yourself look worse calling someone names who never had a thing against you in the first place.

You just burnt Bridges man especially if your in cali. Everyone I roll with knows I'm a generous person and I have access to some stuff that I would have been more than happy to share with anyone in cali. I had a very small do not share list and you just officially added yourself to it with your childish insults. Have fun pretending you can get bud that has 35% thc and your delusional if you think I don't know what I'm talking about

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Pics please I had a highly touted ATF man, hr knows what he's talkin about my ATF was gnarley and I know it wasn't the real deal, my best friend has cousins that have been livin there since the 70's ATF in Alaska is how true purple kush is in Cali fuckin unobtanium, there are TONS of dank versions of ATF and mtf but it's doubtful as to their back ground. Regardless it can be some good bud but you can't just say you have the real ATF.

Im really not trying to be an ass I'm sure your cut is fuckin bomb. But I'd like to see some geneology on it and here he back story of how you came across it and how you've confirmed that it's actually the real deal. It very well may be but it's just a hard pill to swallow without some back story on how you stumbled across the cut because if it truly is ATF I know people that are lookin for it, some for many years.

Hows it goin kona how's hazey adjusting to life in the ie

Heres my first mention of your precious ATF lol not one word about you not having it just said it was hard to believe and asked for geneology and your claiming I said u didn't have it rofl ur the one who's sorry hahaha

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Nice post kratose.. afgan is nice Afgani is fuckin crazy I smoked afgani kush x pakastani kush..nug is covereddd in white/gold trichomesNo green what so ever must of been 40 percent thc.Afpak kush it was calledAnyone else had this..?????..oh by the way I smoked all day everyday when I smoked that it was like a rush thru ur head n body suppppper heavy high was 5 hours n so strong n just amazing.
Fyi Afpak is a kush without having to tack kush on the end it's the same strain u silly boy. Lol do some research. It's two landraces crossed shit it's in the quote i just quoted from you lol your one big contradiction.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ahhaha kaptain i dnt need ur weed

there are 100000s of great growers u think ur special cuz ur one n u have ALOT of trichomes on ur plant > ? :) lollolololol

ill get bud from someone who grows better then u

stop wasting ur time

and wow i never said anything about afpak on this thread ! lmao :) what r u saying :roll: lmaooo

kaptain u really did try to put me down also the bud i smoked was afpak kush had to of been 30 percent at least n teh sour flower from harborside was 35% thc 0%cbd

now wat u gona argue bout kaptain cereal ? :)
Lol your report from harborside keeps getting better and better and less and less believable lol fuckin o% CBd my ass lol hahahaha what a joke have u ever seen a spectral analysis of bud man??


Well-Known Member
fasho kaptain this is pointless cud we drop it :) i respect u n ur opinion ima be the real man n just get over it its dumb

but no bs i smoked that 35 percent sour flower never seen anything ! clOSe be fore

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
wtf u didnt ??

"all you can tell is that you got a nice sized bush anyone can grow a beaster. Not everyone can grow dank. "

thats what u said u r so sorry kaptain !! lmao
Again taken out of context but it's ok I know you have a small grasp on he English language lol
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