KonaCali's SoCal Muliti Strain Grow - Let's Keep it Poppin' Boys ;)

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Hahah u little so cal fag alota talk yo shit ..I don't care I'm other plants is great n I got a lot more n I'm jus gonna get better from hereGet ur not believen 35 percent thc ass outta this thread y u comin into to this outta no where hahah Believe what u believe in ur stupid stoner world bro don't keep arugin
Bro your other plants are great till they get PM also.. dont you get it .. its your growing conditions .. you came here trolling.. so be trolled dumbass..look at your powdery mildewed shit plants.. you say its 4ft 7.. who fucking cares .. its junk .. and knowing the amount of mildew spores in your grow area.. anyone that smokes your shit is gonna get sick... your the reason I grow my own meds.. because people like you think they know what they are doing.. im dont with you .. ur not worth anyones time!@
Hahahahah idiot u must not of understood the apollo 11 I got is the real cut.....its bulletproof hahaha! Not a bit of pm not a bit of yellow leaves hahahahahahaha :) I don't care if u got sick off my buds lmaoooo! Don't care my next grow will just be elite genetics n 10 times better then this grow!!Hahahaha don't care what u say alota.peace. :)
Hahahahah idiot u must not of understood the apollo 11 I got is the real cut.....its bulletproof hahaha! Not a bit of pm not a bit of yellow leaves hahahahahahaha :) I don't care if u got sick off my buds lmaoooo! Don't care my next grow will just be elite genetics n 10 times better then this grow!!Hahahaha don't care what u say alota.peace. :)
Hahaha bulletproof??????? believe that.....and I have some property in the everglades for sale hahaha real good price too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And exactly, you just said it, you don't care!!!!!!! The exact fucking reason people like alotaball and I started growing our own dank shit instead of your moldy half assed shit hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
bro what you need to understand is PM is systemic... and like herpes will flare up. Those spores on your plant are air born .. meaning your ELITE genetics.. will get pm also .. its in your complete grow room.. on your fans .. on your clothes...everywhere.. maybe you will be lucky and find a resistent strain.. but until you change your growing conditions .. ur shit will be dangerous swag.. ur a novice pretending to be a pro.. step up your game.. good thing is fools like you end up in jail anyhow because your not taking the time to do things the right way... Its a shame if that is a good cut of Appollo because soon enough.. it will have systemic pm as well!
Real shit man lol nothing's bullet proof to pm its called a resistance for a reason not an immunity. If I get pm I fuckin chop the visually affected plants. spray the fuck outta everything else and...... aww fuck why am I even bothering he's not gonna listen
Exactly Kron.. he dont care.. he knows everything lol.. we can just enjoy our mold free measly 18-22% thc buds.. while he knows everything and grows DRO BRO!@!!
It's like the platinum bubba I'm runnin right now had pm at one point in someone else's garden in my circle and it was hospitalized and it went into remission after bein blasted with immunox ;) now I have it and a few other people no pm issues its just susceptible to relapse now if you don't keep environments in check but bubbas are notorious for pm anyways.
Yay for a real internet connection and being able to hit the like button hehehehe!!!!! but even better I get to show you boys some pics hehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!

Theses are from 12/20/11 hehehehe yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I will have all the better pics from today up here soon ;) yay!!!!!!!! hope you like them!!!!!!!! yes I know some of the seeds are growing weird hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay Kona's back online ;) so you can actually see videos now...lol and your signature Link is Up! Awesome

cute puppy ...is that Hazzzey?

Hey Kona did u get info on that pk for me? I'm itchin bad on that one. I will personally thank you ;) if you can find out and hook that up ^_^
Yay Kona's back online ;) so you can actually see videos now...lol and your signature Link is Up! Awesome

cute puppy ...is that Hazzzey?


Heheheheehe and yes that cute puppy is my man Hazey ;)
I took tons of nice pics today with my good camera hahahaha, but guess what, this comp doesn't have a memory card reader hahahaha, if it's not one things its another LMFAO!!!!!! So those pics will be up tomorrow OMG and then finally I will be back in business haahahaha!!!!!!! ;)
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