knnthc outdoor grow

cindy, do you know how specifically how baking soda in water treats the fungus? baking soda is Sodium Bicarbonate right? NaHCO3? It is alkaline-will that stop fungus?
Yeah....fungus is a beast to get rid of........I am battling Rust(fungus) right has definitely slowed down since I started the Neem applications.
I use Spectracide Immunox on my orchard for fungus issues. It's not organic but it's very effective and in a pinch I would probably use it if it was at least a month out from harvest. Fortunately, I have never had to deal with a fungus or mold issue on my girls in 7 years of growing (knock wood).
what if you sprayed with a dilluted hydrogen peroxide mix? I know if its weak enough it should hurt plants and the peroxide should sanitize/kill the fungus, am i wrong?
what if you sprayed with a dilluted hydrogen peroxide mix? I know if its weak enough it should hurt plants and the peroxide should sanitize/kill the fungus, am i wrong?
Yeah but it might keep coming back if it is on other foliage around the plant or if it is in the soil around the plants........I have started blasting anything and everything near my planting bed with Neem Oil and it has slowed my fungus problems way down.
In other news, I went to do a close check-up and found spider mites and more powdery mildew. Shit fucking sucks right now. I am budding and my plants are far from healthy. I need some kind of cannabis gods help.
If anyone has any input that can turn my grow around, PLEASE speak up! I have some judo but I would rather not use it, trying to keep it organic.
In other news, I went to do a close check-up and found spider mites and more powdery mildew. Shit fucking sucks right now. I am budding and my plants are far from healthy. I need some kind of cannabis gods help.

I am no cannabis expert, but I do garden a lot. In such a situation, I would give it a good spray with Spectracide Immunox Plus to get the situation under control and then move to organics (BT, Azamax, Serenade, etc.) for the remainder of the grow. It's early enough to hit it hard with something like that. Or if you only find Spectracide Immunox regular, you can also give a spray of permethrin or pyrethrin.
I believe eagle 20 is similar to spectracide. I think you are early enough to use the Spectracide (or Eagle 20), especially if you are in a bad way, but it's your call. You can also try the Serenade for PM and Azamax for the mites which I believe are both organic and very innocuous.
dude toss the judo at them real in the ie too and i know how you feel but if you dont put sb end to that shit right now all your hard work is that still got six weeks of flowrr left?
dude toss the judo at them real in the ie too and i know how you feel but if you dont put sb end to that shit right now all your hard work is that still got six weeks of flowrr left?
Idk if you looked at the cola shot I posted yet but check it out, Do you think judo would affect the taste