Kloset Grow Box ;)



i will re-adjust in a couple days. everything feels sturdy. carbon filter needs changing once a week now. VERY PUNGENT! but manageable. bought wifer an expensive camera, so now i can take macro shots and blow them up so no need for a microscope. crystals are 5% amber on the smaller plant, not even that on the bigger one. ill see if i can find a good shot later and upload.



will try and get better macro shots, they looked so good on my big screen but the pics were 10MP so zooming was a breeze. fuckin Vista wants to try and be smarter than me and crop for me... whatever. you can see the color of the tric's.


tightened the cables and pulled the branches down a lil more. soon i will start wrapping them around the base of the planter.



a lot of the 'hairs' are starting to turn red orange and a tinge on brown, but all the trics are still clear.

smaller branches that i didnt think would produce much at all are starting to get bigger and fatter. wonder how big those down there will get? saw a noticeable difference today in the lower branches and even some at the very bottom are showing signs of budding.


long story short both plants are drying right now. not much yield, will have to start a new grow. closing this thread and opening another. this time im doing 3 plants in the one container. its big enough for 4 plats but im going to keep it simple. i think i let them grow too big for too long before switching the light cycle. either way they smoke great and god damn the high is one creepin heady. takes a while for it to hit you but once it does its almost heavenly. lets try this again...