

Well-Known Member
so in my more youthful days, I used to be a bit of a kleptomaniac. well really i found more enjoyment in seeing if i could take things and less about the actual item. Usually i would take things from my friends and then return it to them when i was sure they didn't notice. As a gag gift a few years ago they got me a lockpicking set and it's just kinda been sitting on my shelf since. Recently i decided to make use of it and got a practice lock on ebay and i haven't put it down. It's almost as addictive as a hobby as growin.:mrgreen:

anyone else part take in this hobby?


Well-Known Member
i was addicted to grocery store shoplifting. even went so far as to steal a live lobster from the lobster tank. stuck him down the sleeve of my leather jacket. went thru the check out with it.


Well-Known Member
well i would never keep what i took but the best things. I was merely in it for the challenge. cell phones from their pockets or things guarded by locks were the main targets:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
when we were 15-16 and too young to buy liqour we use to go into the store tuck our pants in our socks and drop mickeys down and walk out when an older couple would so it looked like they were out parents, lol


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna lie...when I was between the ages 16 and 18 my cousin and I used to steal cloths like you wouldnt believe... Id be down in Cali visiting my Mom (who was def not rich) and Id go back to my Dads in Hawaii with about 4000 dollars worth of cloths and makeup...funny no one caught on. I guess my Dad didnt think it was weird that I came back home with 300 dollar shirts from Macys...
Recently I went back to Cali and that same cousin (now 28) told me that she still steals! WTF! She is not broke by any means, she owns her own business and her husband is an analyst. Her house and suv is paid off...I mean she is well off. She recently had a baby and she told me that when she was prego she stole all her maternity clothes because she didnt want to waste the money and she couldnt get away from the rush. I sat there in shock when she told me the story. Thinking, OMG she risked going to jail when she had a baby on the way?! But she said she had her story all planned out if she got caught and was positive she would have never went to jail... When I was 19, I actually went on a lil shoplifting spree with her to remember old times... the next day my dad commited suicide and after that I always thought I was being punished by God for my actions...havent stole a thing since.
But she is a true klepto.


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna lie...when I was between the ages 16 and 18 my cousin and I used to steal cloths like you wouldnt believe... Id be down in Cali visiting my Mom (who was def not rich) and Id go back to my Dads in Hawaii with about 4000 dollars worth of cloths and makeup...funny no one caught on. I guess my Dad didnt think it was weird that I came back home with 300 dollar shirts from Macys...
Recently I went back to Cali and that same cousin (now 28) told me that she still steals! WTF! She is not broke by any means, she owns her own business and her husband is an analyst. Her house and suv is paid off...I mean she is well off. She recently had a baby and she told me that when she was prego she stole all her maternity clothes because she didnt want to waste the money and she couldnt get away from the rush. I sat there in shock when she told me the story. Thinking, OMG she risked going to jail when she had a baby on the way?! But she said she had her story all planned out if she got caught and was positive she would have never went to jail... When I was 19, I actually went on a lil shoplifting spree with her to remember old times... the next day my dad commited suicide and after that I always thought I was being punished by God for my actions...havent stole a thing since.
But she is a true klepto.
Crime and punishment has nothing to do with God or Jesus,only with people.
Sorry to hear that your dad committed suicide,he must have been deeply unhappy for some reason.
PM me if you ever need a private ear that will truly listen.
Always know it was your dads choice and not your fault or Gods doing.
Sometimes life can weigh very heavily on all our backs:peace::joint: