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kitty's flower garden part 2


Well-Known Member
Hi mugan
#1 looks like standard "Sweet Basil". I'm not familiar with the other....sorry having a hard time concentrating. I got sawdust in one of my eyes while cutting wood yesterday. Here's the pear tree. It popped a few flowere just in time to get snowed on...we'll see.I might get lucky and the forecast is wrong.
View attachment 2074661
I love the rose family. It is my favorite. Dozens of genera and hundreds of species. And almost every single species has the same simple five petaled flower. And the rosewood is unmistakable. No other tree bark looks quite like it. I used to prune an apple orchard in the winter. It took a few months. The plants had been trained to be low and wide and I used to walk out on limbs no bigger than 4" in diameter. The wood is so strong I guess to support all that fruit. Lovely pic.


Moderatrix of Journals
my mom's killed a silk plant before.... (mimosa) :lol:
i learned a lot from her, but we have some eyebrow-raising moments when i'm helping her in her garden..... lots of tongue-biting on my part. ("i never knew you were such an avid gardener, dear.....")

thank you guys for bringing the spring to this thread..... now that spring's here maybe i'll do some planting (if it ever stops friggin HAILING.... wtf mama nature?)

muggie that looks like pepper basil on the right... if i remember correctly it was spicier but not as fragrant....


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Well the freeze didn't do as much damage as it could have.
Lilacs kept their buds. pear is still blooming, a few things took gas. The pomegranate for one. The holly didn't handle it, either. That was a surprise to me.

I've got to take the camera out with me the next woodcutting trip. That will be soon. Burned a bunch this week. Thing are really greening up. I haven't looked to see what happened to the cottonwoods. I bet they got burn. No matter. In a week, you'll never know the diff. his spot od precip will really perk things up. There were a lot of little things in bloom when I went out the last time and I forgot to take the cam. The wind was howling...the ravens took an aerodynamic stance to stay on the wires!


Well-Known Member
just had a look through this thread :) beeeautiful images, all full of colour, and that bright white spider!! thats amazing, incredible, how the hell is it white!!?? wwooow

i also love taking pics of other flowers, is that weird? if it's full of colour it always seems to mesmerize me...

nice kitty, meow ;)


Well-Known Member
and um.... what? :lol:

A little late..but
#1 looks like an ocotillo...probably a euphorbia of some sort.
#2 is called string of pearls
#3 We identified as a bromiliad
#4 is an orchid

I'm beginning to think that sand is baby rocks. No matter how mny rocks you pull out of the garden...the next season there are that many more....I've been harvesting last years "crop" in prep for this years...


Well-Known Member
i'm familiar with a lot of euphorbes. most have yellowish bracts and greenish or even reddish leaves. And don't they have a peltate leaf? And aren't they deciduous anyway? IDK. I like that spiny thing. it's kinda cool. like in a don't try to fuck with me kinda way. and then it put's out this pink flower.
like it's it's not sure if it wants to be tough or it wants to be gay. lol. i crack myself up.


Well-Known Member
here's one we can identify...particular variety??? pulled it from the dump as a bulb. Smell great. Not overpowering...inviting---come closer fragrance



Active Member
Hey kitty, long time no see. Im taking a break from growing god's greatest gift, and in the mean time ive started a little sunflower grow (and my roommates got a basil grow). Quick question for you, my biggest sunflower is about a month old and about 8 inches tall/wide. Im wondering if i need to keep it to 12 hours of sunlight in order to bloom or will it be fine with more? I just moved the biggest one outside to give the runts a little more of that CFL light. I'll post some pics in a little while.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I've been scavenging organic material for the garden and came across a pile of natural charcoal [not completely burned wood]. Anyone use it in their garden? I know it needs to be broken up, as it's in fairly large chunks. Pea size at the large end should be good, no? A little gets in the garden with the potash, but not in the quantity I'm about to use.

I'm thinking the hole I dug for a couple of tomatoes may be a good experimental site.

Pollinated the amaryllis. Will let you all know when they're ready...if anyone wants some.


Well-Known Member
More pix of wildflowers coming...

Have tentative plans to show Dr. Amber my neighborhood Saturday. Ghost towns, lakes, serious hill country [manzanita/oak/juniper elevations ~4000ft]....the "short" way to the one lake is 25 miles-takes 2 hr, if you are going too fast. And half of that is paved! Or you can get there quick [1 1/2 hr] by driving 60 miles to the same lake.

been manually turning the raised beds...ran into a meallic object. It isn't a lock box. Darn! Trying to dig it up and am about to the point of placing a stake there for when I feel like pursuing it to its end. I'm down to the native "soil" and have discovered I DON'T have a hammer for every size job....Danny, you got a jackhammer in your back pocket?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Gave up on the dig and flagged it for later. Excavations can quickly turn into an archeological dig.
Didn't do myself any favors moving 8X8 X16 solid [grouted up] blocks around, bolstering the edge of the raised bed. Got a bit more to do, but can start planting. Shelled my seed corn. Gonna have plenty to share. Gave a couple of pound to the local goatherd last year. Wanted to avoid GM feed/seed. Gotta set those Bandywines in the dirt.. They're 6inches tall and the roots are going to be a mess if I put the transplant off any longer.
Broadcast a bunch of cilantro seed/coriander. We eat it as salad green. Sometimes the primary ingredient. Extra cilantro is a joke around here....it just doesn't happen.

Gonna take it a little easier today. A trip to buy seed and garden supplies.


Well-Known Member
"nanny nanny boo boo...guess what I'm eating?????
Fresh asparagus!!!! We have a very small patch [came with the home]. Looks to be 3-4 crowns. I was going to give it/them a top dressing of compost, and was clearing off some of the weeds...it was up already. I did give them a bit of cow manure this winter and they look better than last year. I didn't know it was here until it came up.


Well-Known Member
Did Ms Kitty make it to the orchid show??????
Are things OK? Kinda quiet 'round here...


I have a blue point "Siamese" similar to your avatar.... I use quotation marks because he was born from a black feral. Dad??? who knows. That littler had an all black, a blue and Tsamo [the blue point].


Moderatrix of Journals
no, miz kitty didn't make it to the orchid show... *kicks dirt*

thanks for asking, things are just a bit crazy right now.