Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!


Well-Known Member
Bugs are fungus gnats. Not mites. Oops. Either way, GoGnats should do the trick. Applied it a few days ago.

Ricky: I've more posts in this thread this year than you do on the whole forum, lets see some of your grow journal too! :) :) :)
OMG!! Kitty is calling me out!!! I have some nice Shiva Skunk and Pot of Gold plants going now I'm about to sex (bought the seeds in Amsterdam) I'll have to do a journal.

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!


Active Member
Aww, thanks sugarplum. ;) What was the light test your referring to? I cant remember that one.............

The Neem Oil seems to have nuked pretty much all the bugs. Horray. I'll hit em again this week once lights go out again and then every two weeks after that for preventative measures.

Today we are flowering four of the Endless Sky mothers (all of em!) and making new mommies from some of their clones just to get their size down again. We have about 350 plants in veg/clone stages right now so we have pleeeeeeeenty of plants for a little bit. Plus, the Bubblelicious and Snow White mommies have all been donating to the clone domes too, and we'll want to have a pile of that before we mix it up again too. Even though we dont plan to use all of the ES mothers that we're making today, they are fun to flower a huge plant by itself from time to time and we'll do that to some of these in a few months again..........

Can you explain what you have going on with your bugs? I have had mites for like 6 months and I can't get rid of them. Have you come up with something that works well?


Well-Known Member

Can you explain what you have going on with your bugs? I have had mites for like 6 months and I can't get rid of them. Have you come up with something that works well?
This is the first, and only, bug problem we've ever had........... The Neem Oil didnt really seem to work, the GoGnats did well, but its a matter of disinfecting 2000sqft of space so it'll take a few sprays......... I dont really have any good advice on spiter mites other than "shit, that sucks!"........ :(


Well-Known Member
Lumens are sometimes hard to wrap your head around. Let's think baseball. 2 pitchers are competing. The "MH" pitcher is using a baseball. When "MH" pitches his ball, it flies far because of it's density, but produces so much heat when thrown, that the catcher has to stand back to catch the baseball or it will burn him. The T5 pitcher is using a wiffle ball. This wiffle ball can be thrown just as hard, with the same strength, but it won't make it to the catcher. So the catcher moves closer,closer,closer. The catcher can now catch the wiffle ball while standing right in front of the T5 pitcher without bursting into flames.

Hope this helps, probably not. =)


Well-Known Member
Why use anything else when you can dance in a hail of ladybugs! Ladybugs eat spider mights. Nom nom. It's weird when they crawl on you. It tickles.


Well-Known Member
So given that they were chopped a tad early, would you think the extra-planned six days would be enough for them to finish? Every day counts and keeps our rotation in sync its hard at first when you just dont know, and had planned for 42 like the "advertisement said" :) :) (Thanks Dr Green for changing that after I bought the beans! :))

I'm hoping the extra 6 days is enough, it keeps things on a nice rotation <G>
jumping in late here.
Id say those are 2 weeks early. usually I have no white hairs left when I chop. They would really fatten up with 2 more weeks! cant wait to see 56 or even 60 some days!


Well-Known Member
jumping in late here.
Id say those are 2 weeks early. usually I have no white hairs left when I chop. They would really fatten up with 2 more weeks! cant wait to see 56 or even 60 some days!
They are grown to 56 days now. :-) The last sets of pics should reflect that, if not, oops! 50 days was just for the first cycle.

We are cycling Endless Sky out, Bubblelicious and Snow White for a little while, then some other strains in the works. Our ES rotations should be done within the next 80 days and we'll be keeping two of the better mothers for a clone customer and scrapping the other six. BS and SW are great Nirvana strains, they never have disappointed in the past.

Towards spring we'll also be re-exploring the water cooling & co2 situation as well.

Oh, and Ms Kitty told me that we're doing outdoor this year too. Damn.
They are grown to 56 days now. :-) The last sets of pics should reflect that, if not, oops! 50 days was just for the first cycle.

We are cycling Endless Sky out, Bubblelicious and Snow White for a little while, then some other strains in the works. Our ES rotations should be done within the next 80 days and we'll be keeping two of the better mothers for a clone customer and scrapping the other six. BS and SW are great Nirvana strains, they never have disappointed in the past.

Towards spring we'll also be re-exploring the water cooling & co2 situation as well.

Oh, and Ms Kitty told me that we're doing outdoor this year too. Damn.

I wonder if you guy's are going to exert the energy on outdoor, as you do indoor...? :)


Well-Known Member
I wonder if you guy's are going to exert the energy on outdoor, as you do indoor...? :)
Shit, I hope not. If we do more than 40 plants outdoors I'd be angry :) I think its a waste of time when we're perfectly shielded in a commercial spot that nobody ever visits and in its basement too.......... But I'm sure we'll find a good spot for it outdoor, I just think ms kitty is nuts for wanting to do it. :)
What are your res temps like? The higher your temp (72+) the more gunk can grow, which doesn't help your gnat situation. H202 and/or colder res temps can help keep the gnats in check. Yellow sticky fly traps laid on top of the hydroton of the plants will help catch the adults as they migrate up from the roots, where the larvae are feasting away. The adults are pretty much harmless to your plants, but they do stick to the buds-not ideal! The larvae are what do the real damage, eating up the roots which can cause all kinds of problems and isn't helping your yield any. :\

The most effective way to treat a fungus gnat infestation is a combo of gnatrol (Bti) applied liberally over top of the growing medium and a healthy application of diatomaceous earth over the grow medium as well. The gnatrol kills the larvae and the DE lacerates the adults as they crawl up preventing them from laying eggs.

If I were in your situation (and I was about 8 months ago) I would do the following in order:

1. Apply gnatrol solution (gnatrol powder mixed with water) liberally over top of growing medium
2. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth over top of medium
3. Dr. Doom bug bomb the shit out of your room
4. Repeat the gnatrol+DE application in 3-4 days

Throw down some fresh sticky traps after step 3 and you'll be able to gauge your success by the (hopefully) lack of gnats... Not to mention it'll let you know as soon as you start having a problem again, so you can nip it in the bud before you have a full blown infestation again.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips bigmindhack! I'll order some of that stuff to keep on hand if it gets out of control.....

Res temps are usually around the mid to low 60's (F). Stays that way pretty much year round. We use H2O2 religiously. So far the GoGnats has seemed to eradicate the issue. We didnt have a ton of them by any means, just enough to say "wtf is that" and correct it....... Two foliar applications as well as the nutrient addition of the GoGnats is what did the trick.......... The two foliars were a few days apart at "dusk", and we'll do it once every week just to play it safe.........


Active Member
Awesome thread, just spent forever reading it, rep given.

One little question in the early pictures I see you cloning using Grolen and they are just sitting on top of hydroton or in solo cups how are u feeding them or watering, just never seen this done before and it seems like it would help me hold clones longer in the small vegging space i have now outside of my flowering tent.


Active Member
Dont know how I have missed this thread for the past few months, but definitely glad I am now on it, def subbed. Mr and Mrs Kitty...will you adopt me? Ill work for free... lol

Awesome job, its nice to see a large-scale grow


Well-Known Member
Pics "coming soon"..... :-) I always say that when we are both lazy. She's been @ the grow spot and I've been workin a lot...... I will get some pics soon-ish, but I want to have something to show too!

We're gettin a few upgrades ready and should have some fun stuff to show next week...... :) More lights, more genetics, and another room............
I did a scroll back afew pages after looking at your opening pages. All I can say is WOW. That's one sweet grow room you have going. I guess I need to go back afew more and see your plants. I see gnat problems? I didn't catch what medium you are using, but if you cut a cover for all your pots it will help. I know water and 'vinager' I think will drown the buggers. But the cover will keep the bugs out. Ok well hello from Oregon. I'm a newbie to this site but not to growing. I know I need to start a journal myself. But till I think I'll read afew more pages back. Hope you keep them buggers away from your plants. The are a pest. GL and Keepem Green
WOW is all I can say. You got one nice growroom going. That's alot of work you got there. I give ya rep's across the board. Alot more than I could ever handel. You must supply alot of patients. I know the 8 or so I grow for keep me hopping. Funny bet ten to one ya'll started in a closet, then the room, then the 'house'? I know it does it to me. Ya'll got some strains I'm not familar with I'll have to look up. 'Endless Sky'? Well thanks for the seed info and thats 'alotta pots'. Keepem Green