Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

this was by far the grosses process i have seen since workin in a lab. looked like someone threw the grinch in a blender. but i'd do it cuz that hash was kinda delish <3


1.) Freeze your smashed up bags of trim after you get rid of stems

2.) Fill machine 2/3 with ice, the top to the ice level with freezing fucking cold water.

3.) Insert about 1 lb of trimmings into the bag and then into the machine.

4.) (Time till now, 4 minutes)

5.) Leave the machine on for 12-15 minutes. (There's a timer on the washing machine, the max time is 15 minutes)

6.) Empty machine into buckets via the hose

7.) Pull up each bag and use a silverware style spoon to just scoop out the hash

8.) Set each scoop on the screen and let dry

Total time for after the shits frozen till when its done is about 25-30 minutes. You can smoke the hash within an hour if you press the finished hash in the screen folded up with paper towels on the outside to dry it faster.
Cops busted the door down two nights ago. We just posted to get out, court is on 14th of May. Sorry guys, first chance we had to post here........... Needless to say, closed.
It's an April's fools joke... the date of the court gave it away.

Unless they have court on Saturday where she's from... lol

Nice one RK!
I've been april foolsed 5 times now, fuck my fucking life. allthouggghhhhhh, on my time when you posted it was 2.4.2011 2.13 AM ha! looking forward to next update, next harvest is right around the corner no?
amazing grow!
I remember seeing this journal when you had electrical problems and many of the rooms werent completely setup but So cool. I wish i could grow this many someday!
Keep up the good work!
Kitty! Shits lookin awesome! On a side note, ill be sendin ya some PM's soon... FINALLY ordered my spores, just gotta get the pressure cooker now (i know its been like 6 months haha) ;D