kitten slightly damaged seedling


Active Member
hey all,

as the title says, a kitten of mine decided to rip a leaf off, and split the middle of another.

these plants are only 10 days old, will they still grow to their full potential?

Also, can you clone autos? can you take a trim off a 10 day old seedling and produce a new healthy plant?

thank you for your time reading this,

any replies would be helpful :)


Well-Known Member
You can clone an auto but the clone will be the same age as the mother and therefore will flower at about the same time. Don't kill the kitty!!


Well-Known Member
LOL, cats and Marijuana don't mix well. Your plant should recover just fine, but keep the cat away. A 10 day old seedling is too young to take a clone.


New Member
If you're gonna let pets or animals near plants then you get what you deserve man.. common sense dude!

Here he would be if it were mine (or if i could stand cats):



Well-Known Member
Like Doser said, when you clone, your clone will be the same age as the mother plant. I would wait until a month into veg.


Active Member
from everything I've heard it's basically pointless to clone auto's
Agreed. If you take a clone off an auto that is a month old, the clone is already a month old. Every part of the auto is the same age as the auto. So if it is already a month old, it only has the rest of the autoflower time left, which is probably not long enough to get any good bud.

Also, my stealth cat did the same. That plant has recovered nicely, these are some tough plants.