Kit Suggestions


Active Member
I want to buy a new hydro/aero setup but am not sure what to get.. Any suggestions? From looking at the site it seems like a lot of people have to make sacrifices when it comes to space or keeping it hidden. I have an entire room for the setup and not worried about anyone seeing/hearing it.

PS- I live in AZ, gets pretty hot and very little humidity


Well-Known Member
if you got a whole room....

IF IT WAS ME....i would go with a multi-flow pot setup....some call it ebb n grow bucket system....

that would fit nice in an entire room....

but it also depends on what you are wanting to achieve..... you could also keep a perp. harvest..... setting up four different systems...


Well-Known Member
yeah I like eb and flow easy to set up dont buy one already set up make ur own


Well-Known Member
remember, we already had this talk man.

bottom of the map, remember when you backed me up in that one thread.


Active Member
Definitely down to build one too, just need some good instructions! Doesn't need to take up a whole room, but I got space lol


Well-Known Member
you can make them ne size you want. Just need a pump ,rez.,and sompe fitings. I will be making mine after this harvest about 25 more days to go

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Anything that might be a little easier?
Yep, try this. It's basically 4 individual flood systems, organised so there's a tray of plants ready to harvest every 2 weeks. If you can run one (dead simple) flood system, you can run 4. :) Well, OK, there's a 5th flood system maintaining the mums, but you get the idea.

I use separate tanks and trays so that plants in wk3 can be dosed for one week only with a phosphorus & potassium additive, without dosing all the other plants.


Active Member
If you are thinking aeroponic try out the PT gardens, made by guys that wanted the best for what they do. If you are looking for just a starter drip system I would go for the bucket system, great for working around and simple and cost effective to set up.