King's kush grow journal


Well-Known Member
So its been about 10 days since the incident was corrected and i dont see any major signs of a hermie outbreak.

No pictures yet but ill throw some up soon.

The canopy looks really nice except in the back corner cause one of the plants already had long side branches coming off the main stems so when i LSTd em and they recovered they were a few inches below the height of the original plant hahaha.

But nonetheless theyre lookin like theyve got alot more on them already.

Just passed 3 weeks of flowering the other day.

Solid 5 to go. Might let em go a little longer since theyre so big.


Well-Known Member
So its been about 10 days since the incident was corrected and i dont see any major signs of a hermie outbreak.

No pictures yet but ill throw some up soon.

The canopy looks really nice except in the back corner cause one of the plants already had long side branches coming off the main stems so when i LSTd em and they recovered they were a few inches below the height of the original plant hahaha.

But nonetheless theyre lookin like theyve got alot more on them already.

Just passed 3 weeks of flowering the other day.

Solid 5 to go. Might let em go a little longer since theyre so big.
Glad no major setbacks resulted


Well-Known Member
Got the 4 kks in flower doin pretty nice

Its scary because everything looks like a ball.

no balls seent yet. but my minds imagining every new small leaf growth is a banana waitin to poke out.

Ill throw some good pics up soon too.

Got their first swell comi on now that the stretch has fully finished.


Well-Known Member
Got the 4 kks in flower doin pretty nice

Its scary because everything looks like a ball.

no balls seent yet. but my minds imagining every new small leaf growth is a banana waitin to poke out.

Ill throw some good pics up soon too.

Got their first swell comi on now that the stretch has fully finished.
Found a few bananas on top of my GDPxB-Berry. I pinched em and hope no more come. Past week 7 flowering so not much time left


Well-Known Member
Thats good! get em before they get bigger and burst haha

mine are approaching week 5 so im hoping theyll stay off for another 2 weeks and i should be in the clear too.


Well-Known Member
Thats good! get em before they get bigger and burst haha

mine are approaching week 5 so im hoping theyll stay off for another 2 weeks and i should be in the clear too.
luckily it was right on top so my blind a** could find it.

Good luck with yers


Well-Known Member
So todays harvest day! day 62 i think give or take a day

Theyre lookin good and im hopin to get 8-10 maybe even 12 off these 4.

Theyre the more sativa dominant ones so i let em go a little longer than the last ones.

Smells like a lemon skunk blunt in a welches grape juice factory haha.

I have more pictures but i keep forgetting my camera random places and i never have it when i have internet access.


Well-Known Member
Here they are right before i took em down


The last was with the lights off and the flash on my camera haha

Its in the final curing process right now but its lookin like a solid 12 OZ


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! I can throw up a smoke report from the last harvest.

This harvest had the more "OG" type ones so alot more lemony and sightly less dense than the "grape" phenos

But so far the nug we tested was on point with everything else prior to it. haha

Still got 2 smaller ones that we threw in there about a month after these ones were in there so theyll be done in a few weeks as well!

Also glad to report that my mycology adventure has been successful and im going to start another journal for those once we get our new supplies.


Well-Known Member
Done dryin and mostly done curin besides the huge ass nugs.

got a total of 269 grams so about 9 and some change. Not too bad. around that .5g/watt spot.

Kings Kush is definitely more of a smoke over weight type of plant even though i could have squeezed another plant or 2 in there and gotten closer to .7 or .8 g/w

It just doesnt have the vigor my other plants have had. Alot more indica too. Probably gonna stick with the hybrids to get a little bigger harvest.

Ive got a few more KK clones growin just cause im waitin on seeds and i always want to have some sort of backup.

Ill also be starting an outdoor grow soon and ill be putting some kk outside along with a few other strains i got bouncin around.


Well-Known Member
harvested the last of my kings kush. Looks like a qp or so off some plant i kinda had in the corner surrounding my HOG


Well-Known Member
ended up bein about a quarter over 4 zips so it was a little more than i expected off neglected plants.

One of them got pollinated by the purple kush seed i had in there. I could have sworn it was female. i had it vegged for almost 2 months and lstd and topped. 2 days into flowering and it had a dozen pollen sacks already. i pulled it immediately with a garbage bag over it. It didnt pollinate the other 4 kks or the hog. Just the one it was closest to in the tent so only a small amount of pollen must have escaped.

So it wasnt as bad as i though. got about 50 seeds outta the one plant and i wouldnt doubt if theres a seed or 2 floatin around the other ones.

So now i have a purple kush male crossed with a kings kush female.

Which im thinkin is almost a back cross of sorts since the purple kush we got came from michigan and alot of grape ape is grown there which can be mistaken for puple kush. And since kings kush is "og kush" crossed with grape ape this combo might be good. So ill be tryin to determine a few females from the seeds, which is never foolproof, and run those soon. Then save the rest for an outdoor mission next year. haha.

So the official end to the kings kush journal will come soon in september/october when the outdoor one finishes up.

Ill make the Purple Kings Kush grow journal soon so look for it in the sig.