Kindone's 1600w organic scrog


Well-Known Member
Nice to see an update and such a nice set-up in the basement! What style digital ballast are those and would you recommend them? looking to purchase a 600w ballast in the next few weeks...How long will you veg them to fill that screen?


Active Member
Nice to see an update and such a nice set-up in the basement! What style digital ballast are those and would you recommend them? looking to purchase a 600w ballast in the next few weeks...How long will you veg them to fill that screen?
Thanks trich, my 600w ballasts are cheap ones I bought on ebay with whole package deals. They were the cheapest I could find but I have had them both for a couple of years with no problem. If I was shopping for new ones I woul definetly look at the dimmable ballasts, they give you more control. As far as the veg goes we will see I guess, I am new to this soil deal and just trying to do it right.


Active Member
Aye kindone was wondering what size pots/containers and how many you used for your scrog grow. Was looking into doing the same style grow but need to figure out how big of and how many containers that would be suitable for my 400w light.


Active Member
I have six, 5 gallon smart pots under the screen. The scrog pic you see is my old hydro setup and that was done with six 5 gallon buckets as well.


Active Member
Sorry no update I have been up north camping on Lake Superior for the last week, tired as hell. Full report tomarrow.


Active Member
Its a legal grow and definitely needs a carbon filter, just because its legal doesn't mean I want everyone who enters my house to know about it. Tha strain is green house seeds Super lemon haze.
Yeh haha that`s true dunno what i was thinking , I mean i wasn`t thinking that would just be plain stupid and could attract all sorts or rippers :) .


Active Member
Back from a great trip to Michigans upper peninsula camping, cliff jumping into lake superior and just plain livin good. We took a boat tour of pictured rocks in 10 to 15 foot swells on lake superior and it was fuckin nuts, at least half of the people on the boat were seasick and puking including my two kids and alot of people were scared, but it was a safe trip IMO and just plain beautiful. The cliff jumping in Marquette is a must do if ur ever in the area, really makes you feel alive.
As far as the grow goes shes looking pretty good I think. The sour diesel are moving alot slower than the rest and have some funny 3 leaf growth going on. Anyone have an idea of what is going on with that? Both blue dream are stretching alot and look pretty damn good, I have moved the SD all towards one end of the screen and put the 2 bluedreams under there. The kushberry seem to be pretty stretchy as well and have started to push screen. Its getting a little late in the game for it but I need some sort of rack and drainage system for my pots so I am off to research the forums for that now



Well-Known Member
Looks like everything is all swelly over there!! How far away is your light from the screen? It appears to be a bit high which is prolly causing the stretch, however I've never scrogged b4 and the stretching may help fill the screen better...Glad your living a relaxed boss's life kind1!


Active Member
My light is a couple of feet above the screen wich is how I normally run to get that stretch and fill the screen just like you said, but it seems that they are stretching alot more than I ever encountered with my old setup.


Well-Known Member
would make sense to have some stretch to make it easier to fill that screen. I seem to get major stretch when I veg 24/0 also...not sure if you've ever went down that road here but either way looking good. I'll stay in my chair and keep watchin


Active Member
Well I never claimed to be smart, but usually I catch on sooner or later. When I switched to soil I meant to lower my screen because the base of the plants are now about a foot or so lower than when they were when I was ussing the 5 gallon buckets. Thats why I was getting more srtetch than normal because they were normally hitting the screen alot earlier. So, I sawed off the screen about 8 inches and things are looking better already, pics rae a cummin.


Well-Known Member
lol I didn't mean to challenge your intelligence kind1. Look forward to the pictures though with the sawed off screen!!!


Active Member
She's fillin up pretty quick now, once they hit that screen they stretch out and bush out at the same if that makes sense.The sour diesel's have started to look like normal plants again and all the plants look pretty healthy. A few picks of the low rider screen.



Active Member
Yea I'm vegging still, another few weeks I reckon. I veg with MH and flower with HPS. I have one last cooltube in my system I would like to switch over to a hood before flower if I can fit it in the old budget and after this run I'm gonna remodel the whole damn room again and add another screen and some more light.


Active Member
I top dressed each pot with 3 heaping scoops of compost with a garden trowel today. All plants look good, no leaf spots, discoloration or any signs of stress. Screen is filling up daily and I feel I am less than two weeks from flowering. I plan on taking cuts of each strain next week and keeping any winner strains going.



Well-Known Member
Didn't take all that long to get the screen 2/3 filled! Can't wait to see what happens when ya flip to 12/12. I got my dollars on a jungle within 14 days of flipping...


Active Member
Flower day 1, a little earlier than I was thinkin but I believe it is time. Screen is filling up more every day and I usually train under the screen for about 10 days on new strains wich should filler up. There is 1 section of screen I am worried about over a blue dream plant that is a little thin but we will see. My program isnt exactly how I would like it, I planned on flowering the 2 blue dream plants to the side of my screen and only put them in 2 gallon grow bags,they ended up going under the screen and I'm sure I regret it.

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